> Hi Jim,
> In FRF.16, you bundle multiple DLCIs on a single bundle. The bundle is
> mapped to multiple physical links. You Juniper configuration reflect the
> correct the way of enabling FRF.16. However, I don't think your cisco side
> is enabled correctly. On Cisco you have created 2 different bundles MFR0 and
> MFR1 and you have assigned the physical links serial0/0 and serial0/1 to
> these 2 different bundles. On juniper side, same bundle, ls-3/0/0:0, is
> assigned to the 2 t1- links. This looks like a mis-config to me.
> I would suggest fixing the configuration from Cisco side. Please do share
> this configuration on the Cisco community to confirm if my above observation
> is correct.

My bad on that, I should have snipped out the MFR1 section.  I had that in there
to confirm that my Cisco router connected back to back would work correctly. 
Originally, I did have only MFR0 and it was mapped to s0/0 and s0/1 as you

> Another thing is both sides are enabled in DCE mode. One side should DCE
> while other should be DTE for back to back connection.

The only reason for having both DCE and DTE on the two different MFRX interfaces
was to be able to test them back to back.  Normally, it would not have any
reference to either.

As shown in the Juniper config from below, I use dce on the ls-3/0/0:0 interface

>>> show configuration interfaces ls-3/0/0:0
>> dce;

This is how we normally setup our t1 interfaces.

Is there any other information that I can give that might help figure this thing

Thank You!


> Thanks,
> Nilesh.
> On 8/20/10 9:34 AM, "Jim Lucas" <li...@cmsws.com> wrote:
>> First off, sorry for such a long email.  But I figured I would give as much
>> information as possible upfront to try and give a clear picture about what I
>> have and what I am currently running.
>> Central Office Equipment:
>> Juniper M20 running v7.5R1.12
>>     1x Link Services module (ls-3/0/0)
>> Customer Equipment:
>> Cisco 2611 running c2600-ipbase-mz.124-23
>>     2x Eth  (e0/0, e0/1)
>>     4x T1 wic (s0/0, s0/1, s1/0, s1/1)
>> The following is the important parts of the config of the Cisco router
>> interface MFR0
>>  description my interface
>>  no ip address
>>  frame-relay lmi-type ansi
>>  frame-relay intf-type dce
>> interface MFR0.16 point-to-point
>>  ip address
>>  no cdp enable
>>  frame-relay interface-dlci 16 IETF
>> interface MFR1
>>  description Loop2
>>  no ip address
>>  load-interval 30
>>  frame-relay lmi-type ansi
>> interface MFR1.16 point-to-point
>>  ip address
>>  no cdp enable
>>  frame-relay interface-dlci 16 IETF
>> interface Ethernet0/0
>>  ip address
>>  half-duplex
>> interface Serial0/0
>>  no ip address
>>  encapsulation frame-relay MFR0
>>  no arp frame-relay
>> interface Serial0/1
>>  no ip address
>>  encapsulation frame-relay MFR1
>>  no arp frame-relay
>> If I place a cross over cable connecting S0/0 and S0/1, all the links come 
>> up.
>> So I am pretty sure that I have it all configured correctly.  I think the
>> problem is with my Juniper setup, hence the reason I am posting this here.
>> Here is my Juniper config:
>>> show configuration chassis fpc 3 pic 0
>> mlfr-uni-nni-bundles 32;
>>> show configuration interfaces t1-1/1/0:0
>> description "Bendtel Test leg #1";
>> encapsulation multilink-frame-relay-uni-nni;
>> lmi {
>>     lmi-type ansi;
>> }
>> unit 0 {
>>     family mlfr-uni-nni {
>>         bundle ls-3/0/0:0;
>>     }
>> }
>>> show configuration interfaces t1-1/0/0:19
>> description "Bendtel Test leg #2";
>> encapsulation multilink-frame-relay-uni-nni;
>> lmi {
>>     lmi-type ansi;
>> }
>> unit 0 {
>>     family mlfr-uni-nni {
>>         bundle ls-3/0/0:0;
>>     }
>> }
>>> show configuration interfaces ls-3/0/0:0
>> dce;
>> encapsulation multilink-frame-relay-uni-nni;
>> unit 16 {
>>     dlci 16;
>>     family inet {
>>         address;
>>     }
>> }
>> unit 17 {
>>     dlci 17;
>>     family inet {
>>         address;
>>     }
>> }
>> Here is the current status of all these interfaces
>>> show interfaces ls-3/0/0:0
>> Physical interface: ls-3/0/0:0, Enabled, Physical link is Down
>>   Interface index: 349, SNMP ifIndex: 953
>>   Link-level type: Multilink-FR-UNI-NNI, MTU: 1508
>>   Device flags   : Present Running
>>   Interface flags: Hardware-Down Link-Layer-Down Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
>>   Last flapped   : 2010-08-13 19:39:56 GMT (6d 20:20 ago)
>>   Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle options:
>>     Device type                       DCE
>>     MRRU                              1508
>>     Fragmentation threshold           0
>>     Red differential delay limit      10
>>     Yellow differential delay limit   6
>>     Red differential delay action     Remove link
>>     Reassembly drop timer             0
>>     Links needed to sustain bundle    1
>>     LIP Hello timer                   10
>>         Acknowledgement timer         4
>>         Acknowledgement retries       2
>>     Bundle class                      A
>>     LMI type                          ANSI
>>       T391 LIV polling timer          10
>>       T392 polling verification timer 15
>>       N391 full status polling count  6
>>       N392 error threshold            3
>>       N393 monitored event count      4
>>   Input rate     : 0 bps (0 pps)
>>   Output rate    : 0 bps (0 pps)
>>   Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle statistics:
>>                      Frames        fps         Bytes          bps
>>     Fragments:
>>       Input :             0          0             0            0
>>       Output:             0          0             0            0
>>     Packets:
>>       Input :             0          0             0            0
>>       Output:             0          0             0            0
>>   Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle links information:
>>       Active bundle links       0
>>       Removed bundle links      2
>>       Disabled bundle links     0
>>   Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI active bundle links statistics:
>>                      Frames        fps         Bytes          bps
>>     t1-1/0/0:19.0 <-- down
>>       Input :             0          0             0            0
>>       Output:             0          0             0            0
>>       Current differential delay       0.0 ms
>>       Recent high differential delay   0.0 ms
>>       Times over red diff delay        0
>>       Times over yellow diff delay     0
>>       LIP:add_lnk lnk_ack lnk_rej    hello hel_ack lnk_rem rem_ack
>>       Rcv:      0       0       0        0       0       0       0
>>       Xmt:     15       0       0        0       0       0       0
>>     t1-1/1/0:0.0 <-- down
>>       Input :             0          0             0            0
>>       Output:             0          0             0            0
>>       Current differential delay       0.0 ms
>>       Recent high differential delay   0.0 ms
>>       Times over red diff delay        0
>>       Times over yellow diff delay     0
>>       LIP:add_lnk lnk_ack lnk_rej    hello hel_ack lnk_rem rem_ack
>>       Rcv:      0       0       0        0       0       0       0
>>       Xmt:    197       0       0        0       0       0       0
>>   Logical interface ls-3/0/0:0.16 (Index 230) (SNMP ifIndex 954)
>>     Flags: Device-Down Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation:
>> Multilink-FR-UNI-NNI
>>     Statistics         Frames        fps         Bytes          bps
>>     Bundle:
>>       Fragments:
>>         Input :             0          0             0            0
>>         Output:             0          0             0            0
>>       Packets:
>>         Input :             0          0             0            0
>>         Output:             0          0             0            0
>>     Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
>>       Flags: None
>>       Addresses, Flags: Dest-route-down Is-Preferred Is-Primary
>>         Destination:, Local:
>>   Logical interface ls-3/0/0:0.17 (Index 305) (SNMP ifIndex 955)
>>     Flags: Device-Down Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation:
>> Multilink-FR-UNI-NNI
>>     Bandwidth: 625152kbps
>>     Statistics         Frames        fps         Bytes          bps
>>     Bundle:
>>       Fragments:
>>         Input :             0          0             0            0
>>         Output:             0          0             0            0
>>       Packets:
>>         Input :             0          0             0            0
>>         Output:             0          0             0            0
>>     Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
>>       Flags: None
>>       Addresses, Flags: Dest-route-down Is-Preferred Is-Primary
>>         Destination:, Local:
>>> show interfaces t1-1/1/0:0
>> Physical interface: t1-1/1/0:0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
>>   Interface index: 444, SNMP ifIndex: 310
>>   Description: Bendtel Test leg #1
>>   Link-level type: Multilink-FR-UNI-NNI, MTU: 1518, Clocking: Internal, 
>> Speed:
>> T1, Loopback: None, FCS: 16, Mode: C/Bit parity,
>>   Framing: ESF
>>   Device flags   : Present Running
>>   Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
>>   Link flags     : None
>>   CoS queues     : 4 supported, 4 in use
>>   Last flapped   : 2010-08-19 18:42:37 GMT (21:24:58 ago)
>>   Input rate     : 0 bps (0 pps)
>>   Output rate    : 0 bps (0 pps)
>>   DS1   alarms   : None
>>   DS3   alarms   : None
>>   DS1   defects  : None
>>   DS3   defects  : None
>>   Logical interface t1-1/1/0:0.0 (Index 214) (SNMP ifIndex 429)
>>     Flags: Hardware-Down Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation:
>> Multilink-FR-UNI-NNI
>>     Protocol mfr, Multilink bundle: ls-3/0/0:0, MTU: 0
>>       Flags: None
>>> show interfaces t1-1/0/0:19
>> Physical interface: t1-1/0/0:19, Enabled, Physical link is Up
>>   Interface index: 501, SNMP ifIndex: 211
>>   Description: Bendtel Test leg #2
>>   Link-level type: Multilink-FR-UNI-NNI, MTU: 1518, Clocking: Internal, 
>> Speed:
>> T1, Loopback: None, FCS: 16, Mode: C/Bit parity,
>>   Framing: ESF
>>   Device flags   : Present Running
>>   Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
>>   Link flags     : None
>>   CoS queues     : 4 supported, 4 in use
>>   Last flapped   : 2010-07-09 18:35:02 GMT (5w6d 21:32 ago)
>>   Input rate     : 0 bps (0 pps)
>>   Output rate    : 24 bps (0 pps)
>>   DS1   alarms   : None
>>   DS3   alarms   : None
>>   DS1   defects  : None
>>   DS3   defects  : None
>>   Logical interface t1-1/0/0:19.0 (Index 91) (SNMP ifIndex 625)
>>     Flags: Hardware-Down Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation:
>> Multilink-FR-UNI-NNI
>>     Protocol mfr, Multilink bundle: ls-3/0/0:0, MTU: 0
>>       Flags: None
>> Here is the show chassis
>> j...@b1-bend-re0> show chassis hardware
>> Hardware inventory:
>> Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
>> Chassis                                20934             M20
>> ...
>> FPC 3            REV 01   710-001292   AE7635            FPC
>>   PIC 0          REV 01   750-007924   HM0123            1x Link Service(32)
>> ...
>> For both t1s you can see that they show connected, but for some reason (that
>> escapes me) the ls interface shows "Hardware-Down"  Does this mean the Link
>> services module is not turned up?  To me it isn't clear.
>> Any help would be great!
>> Thanks

Jim Lucas

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