On 10/13/2011 05:51 PM, David Ball wrote:
> On 13 October 2011 14:41, Chris Morrow <morr...@ops-netman.net> wrote:
>>>   I can't help but wonder if perhaps Juniper just expects us to
>>> buy....I dunno....routers....to do routing.  I'm not trying to justify
>> this is a flavor of the 'its only a TOR switch' discussion, but...
>   Should it not be ?

eh, just pointing out where the conversation was headed (and has been

>> <http://www.juniper.net/us/en/local/pdf/datasheets/1000261-en.pdf>
>> talks about mpls capabilities,
>    ...roadmapped, though I haven't a clue how old that PDF is..perhaps
> it supports MPLS now.  NSR was also listed as roadmapped, which I
> would consider a requirement of a dual-RE device which will be
> performing a significant amount of routing.

sure... point being they put it on brochures.

>> as well as bgp, ipv6, isis....
>   ...all 3 of which require Advanced Feature Licenses (just to
> 'enable' a feature which is absolutely required).  Same PDF indicates

supposedly at least v6 is 'not encumbered by a license'... don't know
about isis/bgp though. They probably are since enterprises think bgp is
'hard' and thus are ok with paying extra for something they perceive
they don't need.

> "* Shared route table—actual capacity depends on prefix distribution"
> when referring to IPv4 unicast routes.  I'm not doubting that it was a
> bad implementation as Paul described, but they do make mention of it.

sure, in a funny and useless-for-capacity-planning manner.

>> so, it
>> kind of fits the bill for a larger network device with routing
>> capabilities, eh?
>   Clearly YMMV....let's ask the OP.  Or, ask your Juniper RE at the
> Goog if they would recommend it for such a purpose.  I haven't tried
> to push full tables to enough switches to know how many of them are
> good at it, so please forgive both my ignorance and smugness (yeah,
> that's a word).

smugness is fine, my point here is it's marketed at more than it (far
more) can accomplish, that's going to engender some anger from folks.
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