Pavel Lunin wrote:
> > > in a virtual chassis you could add:
> > >
> > > set virtual-chassis no-split-detection
> > >
> > > This will ensure that if both VC ports go down, the master routing
> > engine carries on working.
> >
> > Are you referring to "Scenario B" in
> > ?
> > or a different case?
> >
> I don't like to explain what others say but I think yes. It's been known
> behavior since always: in a two-member VC always disable split-detection.
> You can google for other threads on this in this list.
> It's always been kind of poorly documented. Last time I checked the docs,
> instead of just writing clearly that it must be disabled in two-members
> mode, they "don't recommend" it with some kind of hand-waving explanation
> that if you estimate that the backup RE failure probability is higher that
> a split-brain condition blah-blah-blah... Just disable split-detection,
> that's it :)

Tomorrow we are planning a lab with and without split-detection. I
hope this solves the issue for us, and if it does, I'm sure to make a
note in my engineering journal.

Thank you Catalin and Pavel for your input.

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
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