You can confirm PPE load by:

RMPC0( vty)# show xl-asic 0 npu_stats
NPU Stats Dump for FPC0:NPU0
Global NPU Utilization:  0.

(xl or lu, depending on platform)

Also piping output to file and aggregating: 'show xl-asic 0 ppe cntx'
can be very useful to see what the PPEs are doing, particularly when
you have datapoint from working and non-working box, aggregation how
many PPEs contexts are in which Ucode address will be a dead

I was recently troubleshooting issue where on some reboots PPS
performance is good, some reboots less good, and looking at the PPE
contexts was illuminating for that. I suspect if this is PPE spending
time on NAT thing, then on bad box global NPU load should be high as
well as context uCode address distribution to be widly different (good
box mosty sleeping).

On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 10:31, Robert Raszuk <> wrote:
> Yes NAT is configured there as I indicated via presence of si- phantom load
> ... Having NAT there is not my idea though :). But sorry can not share the
> config.
> If you could shed some more light on your comment how to properly configure
> it and what to avoid I think it may be very useful for many folks on this
> list.
> Many thx,
> R.
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 5:00 AM Alexander Arseniev <>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> >
> > Another interesting observation is that show command indicated services
> > inline input traffic over 33 Mpps zero output while total coming to the box
> > was at that time 1 Mpps ....
> >
> >
> > Do You have inline NAT configured on this box? Is it possible to share the
> > config please?
> > It is quite easy to loop traffic with NAT (inline or not) and while looped
> > inside same box,
> > TTL does not get decremented so You end up with eternal PFE saturation.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Alex
> >
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