Agree too.
I will have a bit more time early september.
Perso I'd like 2 things:
* move from axis to a rest api
* start a new ui.

On 16 August 2013 08:21, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> During the latest weeks, I received messages from users to re-iterate their
> interest in Kalumet.
> We received really good feedback and the users really want to see the
> project move forward.
> I know that we are all busy, but I think it's time to show to all (both
> users and other projects) the value of Kalumet.
> Unfortunately the latest release votes have been cancelled due to "not
> correct legal files", and maybe some of you lose motivation cause to that.
> I will try to tackle "the legal files issue" asap in order to resubmit a new
> release to vote.
> All help is welcome on Kalumet (documentation, commit, proposal, ideas,
> ...), so time to move !
> Regards
> JB
> --
> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> Talend -

Olivier Lamy
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