It sounds good !

On my side I have a proposal to you.

I would like to update the Kalumet model like this:
- distinction between two parts:
* Deployment (it's what we have more or less currently), with ready to use plugin (WebSphere, WebLogic, Karaf, ...) * Monitoring (I started it during AutoDeploy but not really implemented anything interesting). In the monitoring we can define some JMX attributes or return statement of operations and associate a SLA on it. For instance, in WebSphere, I would like to periodically check the MaxThread attribute, and if the value of the attribute is greater than a value in the SLA, I will use the publisher (of the environment) to notice.

Of course, I don't propose this for 0.6 branch (my main purpose on this branch is a first release), but for trunk.

Thoughts ?


On 08/16/2013 01:41 PM, Olivier Lamy wrote:
Agree too.
I will have a bit more time early september.
Perso I'd like 2 things:
* move from axis to a rest api
* start a new ui.

On 16 August 2013 08:21, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <> wrote:
Hi guys,

During the latest weeks, I received messages from users to re-iterate their
interest in Kalumet.
We received really good feedback and the users really want to see the
project move forward.

I know that we are all busy, but I think it's time to show to all (both
users and other projects) the value of Kalumet.

Unfortunately the latest release votes have been cancelled due to "not
correct legal files", and maybe some of you lose motivation cause to that.

I will try to tackle "the legal files issue" asap in order to resubmit a new
release to vote.

All help is welcome on Kalumet (documentation, commit, proposal, ideas,
...), so time to move !

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend -

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend -

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