2009/11/2 Michael Sparks <spark...@gmail.com>

> Considering this thread actually started roundabout in April, 42 weeks
> added onto that is Jan/Feb next year, so I wouldn't worry too much
> about what 2 weeks is here :-)

Not worrying too much, but good to be reassured anyway.  :-)  More
seriously, we have just employed another programmer at my work, which more
than doubles our programming resources, since I also do sysadmin type stuff
in addition to programming.  So I've started devoting some more time to the
JsonRPC project.  I'm aiming for approx day a week.  It also helps keeps me
sane - programming in Python still brings me a lot more joy than other

> More seriously, I understand what it's like when work & personal life
> go into overdrive & glad to hear that you're still planning on this -
> as usual, if you need anything from me to help, let me know :-)
Okay, I've got some questions.  So far I've been using Kamaelia components
to push data around, but still using 'ordinary' python classes to maintain
overall system state.  So in particular, most components in my system have a
reference to a 'server' class instance, a 'manaager' class instance and
quite a few to a 'connection' class instance.  All of these are 'ordinary'
python classes (not Kamaelia components), although they may have methods
that create new Kamaelia components and wire them into the system.

It seemed like a reasonable idea initially, but as I get further into my
revised design, I'm finding that it seems to be increasing complexity rather
than decreasing it.  In particular, how a components works gets tied into
these 'non-Kamaelia' classes and seems to break the 'plug and play'
encapsulation that seems central to the idea of Kamaelia.  I'm also
concerned about thread safety since I'm running Kamaelia in the background
(using Axon.background) but currently Kamaelia components can be created
(and activated) in the foreground thread.  I'm guessing that this might be
not such a good thing.

So, is there a better way?  Mostly I need a way so that something in the
foreground thread can say 'give me a list of all open connections' (or at
least proxy objects for them) and 'send <data> to connection <foo>'.  This
is currently kept in a class that also acts as the protocol factory for
ServerCore.  Rather than ordinary python classes, should I have some
components that keep the system state, and possibly use backplanes to query
them?  And I'm guessing it is best to keep all communication between the
foreground thread and the Kamaelia thread via threadsafe queues?

Any thoughts / feedback much appreciated.



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