On Tuesday, February 9, 2016 11:00:52 PM CET Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 09, 2016 07:55:08 Martin Graesslin wrote:
> ...
> > This was more a rhetorical question. Apparently it didn't make it through.
> > I'm worried about your vision closing a path for the future. Your vision
> > setting a focus on past technologies, which will result in stagnation,
> > shrinking and death....
> I actually don't consider normal desktop PCs, notebooks, tablets,
> smartphones, smart watches etc. etc, everything that displays something,
> all as "past technology" not worth putting effort into it.

And that's not what I said. " I'm worried about your vision closing a path for 
the future" - that doesn't say anything about the present.

> Even if it may not be the technology we'll have in 20 years, it is IMO still
> worth putting work into it, e.g. all Android-devices, for the next few
> years.

So a vision which would ensure that also future technologies could be served, 
would not harm that? Let's just not close doors.


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