On Sunday, February 7, 2016 2:00:43 PM CET Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Saturday, February 06, 2016 19:39:35 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > On Samstag, 6. Februar 2016 16:47:31 CET Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > > Yes. I think the vision statement needs to be complemented by a mission
> > > statement. But I think, before we tackle the mission statement, we
> > > should
> > > nail down the vision.
> I think the main difference is that it mentions local applications/software
> with GUIs explicitely (that's the "focus" ;-) ).

I have followed the discussion so far and asked many questions to try to 
understand where the difference is and where the focus is. My interpretation 
of the gathered answer is that there is no "focus". The provided answers were 
contradicting and whenever one went on towards "so you want to have this not 
in KDE" it was "oh no, we want that". Server software is fine, cloud is fine. 
Everything seems to be included. I don't see where the focus is you want. I 
was not able to derive any rule on what would fit into KDE and what not. I was 
not able to see the focus.

What I gathered from the replies looked like that anything coming from within 
KDE is fine. If I would start writing server software from within KDE it will 
be fine, but if I would start to work it outside it's not fine to get in. 
what I gathered from the replies. This worries me.

From the replies I read I have a feeling that you haven't made up your mind 
yet what the "focus" means. It gives me a feeling that each project to join 
would be questioned in detail, whether it matches the perceived "focus". Not 
very welcoming.


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