On zaterdag 22 september 2018 13:41:39 CEST Elvis Angelaccio wrote:

> I'm surprised the new names have already been deployed on bugzilla.
> We are talking about a pretty big change in our workflow and I think we
> didn't discuss it enough. Also, many developers are not on this list and we
> should have contacted at least kde-devel first.

I disagree. If you're part of the KDE community, you should be on this list. 
And it's been discussed on and off for over a year: plenty enough.

> For example, I don't understand how am I supposed to close wishlists now.
> Resolved-Wontix made sense to me, Resolved-Later or Resolved-Intentional do
> not, imho.

In my opinion, resolved/intentional is as appropriate as resolved/wontfix -- 
since a wish isn't bug, implementing it isn't a fix either. All bugzilla 
statuses are crutches, that's just something we have to live with.


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