I'd like to see the free software community pick more useful battles...

Il giorno mar 23 mar 2021 alle ore 20:50 Carl Schwan
<c...@carlschwan.eu> ha scritto:
> Hello all,
> like you probably heard already RMS was reinstatement to the
> Board of Directors of the Free Software Foundation. RMS has
> always been a negative force to the Free Software movement due
> to his toxic behavior. There is an open letter asking for his
> and the current board FSF resignation available at
> https://rms-open-letter.github.io/.
> It was already signed by many other Free Software contributors
> from many organizations (GNOME, OSI, Apache, ...) and it would be
> a good idea for some us to sign it too.
> This can be done by either sending a email digitalautonomy at riseup.net
> or by submitting a pull request at 
> https://github.com/rms-open-letter/rms-open-letter.github.io/pulls.
> Regards,
> Carl Schwan
> https://carlschwan.eu

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