Well, now I have a list of platforms and people to avoid who have no problems 
supporting self-proclaimed pedophiles.

On Tue, Mar 23, 2021, at 15:11, Luis Falcon wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Mar 2021 19:49:36 +0000
> Carl Schwan <c...@carlschwan.eu> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > like you probably heard already RMS was reinstatement to the
> > Board of Directors of the Free Software Foundation. RMS has
> > always been a negative force to the Free Software movement due
> > to his toxic behavior. There is an open letter asking for his
> > and the current board FSF resignation available at
> > https://rms-open-letter.github.io/.
> > 
> This attack against Richard is appalling, and, in my opinion, the
> reflection of the sick society we live in.
> I find disgusting the amount of public mobbing and battering that
> Richard has suffered this past year and a half. Many of the
> brown-nosers who proudly showed pictures with him, now are part of this
> evil campaign.
> You don't have an idea of how much pain these people has inflicted upon
> him. Zero empathy. Not a single case has been filed against him, just
> coward bullying and mobbing. You believe he is guilty, then go to court.
> Richard has been a victim of those who could not accept a pure movement
> and philosophy like the Free/Libre Software movement. 
> While some of his same-age are now filthy rich by writing proprietary
> code, RMS lives humbly, putting all his time and talent to the benefit
> of the community.
> We can not conceive the Free/Libre Software - and all the benefits that
> brought to society- without Richard. Our projects would not exist today
> without RMS, Founder of the FSF and the GNU project. That is just being
> grateful. 
> Finally, I find ironic that the "open letter" to debunk RMS is placed
> on Github, a Microsoft owned company. 
> This puts an end to my discussion on this matter, at least on this
> channel.
> -- 
> Dr. Luis Falcon, MD, MSc
> President, GNU Solidario
> Advancing Social Medicine
> www.gnuhealth.org

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