This Netlify CMS seems like a neat idea to me. While I like Hugo so far
with what I have done with it trying to port, I am still a bit
concerned at the technical hurdle some people might have while doing
updates straight from GIT. Having a GUI admin could fill in that gap nicely
and make it a better experience for small typo fixes and such.

I would be interested to see how much setup there is to get the
authentication and configuration working with the kde login. Is there a log
in button somewhere in the Netlify CMS admin page? How does the website
know what KDE user you are when you go to the admin?


On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 9:28 AM Nate Graham <> wrote:

> On 8/15/22 08:05, Phu Hung Nguyen wrote:
> > [1] this is not to say that a Hugo site cannot have comments. It can,
> > but it seems that we don't need that functionality now.
> If I'm going to move my blog to KDE infrastructure, I would consider
> comments mandatory. And I would prefer WordPress.
> Nate

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