On Tuesday, 16 August 2022 08:03:10 CEST Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer wrote:
> Hi Phu and Paul,
> here is a public demo of the Netlify CMS backend:
> https://cms-demo.netlify.com/#/
> It appears that the workflow with publishing stages is optional, dependent
> on configuration.

That interface is nice and simple. I appeciate that.

The problem is, as always, Markdown. Markdown is great for basic stuff. 
Godsend, even. But try anything more complicated than the simplest layout, say 
(gasp!) tables with multiline cells. or having two images aligned side by 
side, and prepare yourself to write raw HTML and CSS and have the 15 minutes 
you allocated to the job balloon into an hour.

Also, LabPlot, Kdenlive, "Adventures..." and a few more are already using 
Wordpress, so I am not sure why I am having to argue so hard to get  it for 
the Dot. At least from the users' point of view, it is clearly the best 

So, yeah, final answer: Wordporess, please.


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