On Sunday 10 February 2013 16:40:06 Jekyll Wu wrote:
> On 2013年02月07日 18:29, Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> > Also spend a moment and look at the report. There is multiple times
> > written
> > that we don't want any further comments on the bug and that doesn't help
> > anything. Still attachements, still duplicates.
> I guess you are talking about
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=278636. That should be easier to
> implement after the operation of fetch bug report information is ported
> to using xml-rpc API. But still, there should first be some way for
> developers to mark one report as "not welcoming DrKonqi anymore".
and a feedback channel. E.g. for that bug there was one setting to change and 
it would have been great to just be able to tell the users that in an easy 

Martin Gräßlin

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