> On May 7, 2013, 2:50 p.m., Dominik Haumann wrote:
> > The patch itself is fine and most likely does not introduce regressions in 
> > terms of misbehavior.
> > 
> > Still, is never showing an icon the way to go? Another way to work around 
> > this by default would be an additional function called 
> > KMessageWidget::setShowIcon(bool).
> > 
> > In fact, I've recently been thinking that being able to set custom icons 
> > also may be a good idea, along with setting a custom color for the message 
> > widget. Maybe one could ex extend MessageType, i.e.: 
> > setMessageType(Custom). Along with setIcon() and setPalette() or similar. 
> > Then, the developer would have more control over the colors showing up in 
> > the Kate views. A disadvantage of this is, however, that this leads to 
> > inconsistent ui's.
> > 
> > It this is needed, this patch works against this, though.
> Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
>     It could be nice to be able to use a custom icon which would be adapted 
> to the context of the message. But I think the widget still works without it 
> for now, and getting rid of it has its advantages (fixing confusion, saving 
> space). An alternative to this fix would be to replace the icon with 
> something less button-like. The only icon I think would work here is the 
> "dialog-warning" one, which is already used with KMessageWidget::Warning 
> type. Any other idea?
>     Exposing access to the palette would indeed be dangerous for consistency. 
> Can you explain in which situation you would want control over the colors?
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     What about making the icon a "watermark"?
> Dominik Haumann wrote:
>     Using icons as watermark was already discussed years ago. I didn't read 
> the entire thread, but on the following link you can find a url to an image 
> showing a watermark icon in the background. The thread is very long, and it 
> the end nothing came out of it apparently:
>     http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-core-devel&m=120204190217471&w=2
> Dominik Haumann wrote:
>     > Exposing access to the palette would indeed be dangerous for 
> consistency. Can you explain in which situation you would want control over 
> the colors?
>     Not really: We just had once someone on kwrite-devel (iirc) complaining 
> about the colors. But if you ask me, the colors are fine for the use cases 
> right now.
> Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
>     I don't like watermarks, they look too noisy. Having thought about this 
> patch more, I would like to keep the ability to set the icon. What about 
> removing all icons by default but adding an "icon" property?
>     This would fix the confusion for KMessageWidget::Error and still saves 
> space while giving the ability to set icons more adapted to the widget 
> message when there is a need for it.
> Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
>     I think we also need a neutral message type that uses the window/button 
> background color (as a gradient, of course) as widget background for 
> displaying things that aren't really an "information" but rather "progress" 
> such as the Kate "document is still loading" message.
>     And for Kate I could think of many cases where, instead of using the 
> generic warning icon or no icon at all, using a more specific one could 
> improve "first-sight-recognizability" such as 'object-locked' for when the 
> file has been opened read-only, or 'character-set' when there's encoding 
> issues.
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     > as a gradient, of course
> http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKStyle.html#a679a9290cff89d0f2e330cd448216d2d
>     Reg. the "icon not prominent enough" that's easily solved by, as Kai 
> suggested, using a sensible icon in the first place (eg. one that does not 
> look like a close button, to start with) and then let it occupy the entire 
> left or right half of the widget, resp. cap that at (dpi adjusted) 128px.
>     Then *partially* overlay it with a translucent bg colored rect and put 
> the text in there.
>     The imporant aspect of all those actions should be to make it look like 
> not-a-button.
>     If you can't imagine what i've in mind, i'll sketch a mock this evening.
> Eli MacKenzie wrote:
>     This example may be relevant, even though its using the warning mode: 
> http://wstaw.org/m/2013/03/27/plasma-desktopTm3877.png
>     Perhaps the confusion is due to autoraise being enabled if there is only 
> the close button?
>     Regards, Eli
> Dominik Haumann wrote:
>     > And for Kate I could think of many cases where, instead of using the 
> generic warning icon or no icon
>     > at all, using a more specific one could improve 
> "first-sight-recognizability" such as 'object-locked'
>     > for when the file has been opened read-only, or 'character-set' when 
> there's encoding issues.
>     This makes a lot of sense to me. Aurélien, what's your opinion on this? 
> Personally, I was never much troubled by the icon itself, but I think it 
> could be useful to hide it, and customize it.

Yes, that's what I meant with:
> Having thought about this patch more, I would like to keep the ability to set
> the icon. What about removing all icons by default but adding an "icon"
> property?
> This would fix the confusion for KMessageWidget::Error and still saves space
> while giving the ability to set icons more adapted to the widget message when
> there is a need for it.

- Aurélien

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On May 6, 2013, 10:59 p.m., Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/110327/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated May 6, 2013, 10:59 p.m.)
> Review request for Dolphin, Kate and kdelibs.
> Description
> -------
> This avoids confusion between the decoration icon and the close button, 
> especially when type is KMessageWidget::Error. This happens for example with 
> Dolphin when an error happens while trying to connect to an non available 
> host.
> This change also has the nice side-effect of leaving more space for the 
> widget text.
> Diffs
> -----
>   kdeui/widgets/kmessagewidget.cpp a52316726233a22929ce8ad3aff60b9ccc5f9b85 
> Diff: http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/110327/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Tested with kmessagewidgetdemo, Dolphin and Kate.
> Thanks,
> Aurélien Gâteau

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