In my opinion, having tabs (or any equivalent way of switching documents,
e.g. like the one in kate) is not a bad idea. But, MDI like interface is

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Arnold Krille <> wrote:

> On Friday 25 March 2011 12:38:58 Thomas Lübking wrote:
> > FYI:
> > Tabbing in browsers is (likely) a relict from the dial-up era, when on
> > would dial-up, open all pages one wanted to read, hook-on and then read
> > offline.
> > I sometimes (too often) catch myself doing this today, ie. go to my fav
> > news pages, middleclick all articles i'm interested in and start reading.
> > but this is a retarded behavior coded into my brains during a loooooong
> > time - and i hate myself for doing it ;-)
> Given the fact that web-documents grew by about the same factor as
> connection-
> lines, I still have to do that behaviour out of sheer necessity, not out of
> old habits.
> Don't argue the tabs in okular away. Remember the people from redmond
> loosing
> significant browser-share telling "people don't want tabs". Well they
> wanted.
> And they got. But not from IE. Now lets don't do the same mistake with
> okular
> vs. acrobat reader...
> Have fun,
> Arnold
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Shantanu Tushar    (UTC +0530)
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