Am 25.03.2011, 13:04 Uhr, schrieb Arnold Krille <>:

> Don't argue the tabs in okular away. Remember the people from redmond  
> loosing significant browser-share telling "people don't want tabs".
<flamewar class="offending-ms">
I wish to believe that M$ loosed browser-shares not because of tabbing but  
because IEv4-6 were piles of incapable, insecure and outdated s***.
(sorry, there's absolutely no nice way describe it otherwise) and  
development completely stuck once they'd overcome netscape and blocked any  
progression for half a decade.
(IE6 was the standard-breaking "up to date" from 2001-2007, what's a sad  
joke for itself. And it lasted til 2009 until IE8 was the first IE not  
being a /complete/ fail)

> Well they wanted. And they got. But not from IE.
And now they /all/ regret and move the tabs on top of the entire window  
(ie. provide window tabbing for windows, what's basically a second layer  

> Now lets don't do the same mistake with okular vs. acrobat reader...
The major defect of okular's FM is that "Open" is in fact "Replace" - it  
should just "open" another file (same process, probably in another  
window...) just like eg. kwrite does.

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