On Wednesday 19 February 2014 17:04:12 Damian Ivanov wrote:
> Hello all,
> Hello Martin :-)
> 2 Things:
> a) I found that kwindowsystem.h is missing a function closeWindow, is
> that intended? It is present in the netwm* files as
> closeWindowRequest. If this is not intended I can try to implement
> that maybe for x11 (I mean the function in KWindowSystem class) as a
> junior task?

what would be the usecase for having that in the more high level API?

> b)  KWindowSystem::icon() fails to return an icon for "gedit", so
> gedit has no icon (but it has one in GNOME).

KWindowSystem::icon() takes flags to specify from where the icon should be 
taken. Did you try all combinations? An easy test is whether KWin shows the 
icon for it as KWin uses this method to get the Client's icon. So far when 
using KWin (5) I did not run into a situation where the icon could not be 
retrieved. Though I normally don't run applications like gedit.


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