On 31 March 2014 08:11, Vishesh Handa <vha...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Monday, March 31, 2014 07:16:13 AM Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
>> Why are you so intent on telling us what we should be indexing? what is
>> wrong with giving the user choice?
> Nepomuk was never just about "searching". It was also about applications
> getting built on top of it in order to leverage the information that it has. I
> would like Baloo to be similar.

True, but the same applies - control over what is "searchable" / "relatable"

> Additionally, as previously stated, I don't think users should have to care
> about what is being indexed and what is not. That's a remnant from the Nepomuk
> days where stuff was too slow. I believe that we should be good enough to
> accurately determine what the user is looking for and show those results.

This is where we differ, I don't think its possible to accurtaely or
reliably be able to determine 100% what should/shouldn't be indexed.
And not allowing the user to easily override this in the UI is a
bigger mistake.

I can think of one situation where the current UI just will not work.
My "/data" directory used to be just a directory on the boot disk.
Under the current system it would not be indexed by default and there
would be no way of setting this in the UI.

> And finally, the users still have a choice, I'm just not giving them the fine
> grained control that you want *by default*. The backend still supports all
> these features.

That is good

> You're more than welcome to write a UI to configure them or ask
> some other developers to.

A valid option, I will try to put some time into this. But as with
everyone else I have work and other kde projects to attend to.

I do appreciate that UI's take a lot of work to create and maintain,
and you are only just one person :)



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