Hi Daniel and KDE developers,

Thank Daniel`s Qt5 bindings for PackageKit and he is very nice guy
replied my question

Then we followed each other on Google+ :) and I introduced QJade
https://github.com/AOSC-Dev/QJade a Qt5 frontend for PackageKit, it is
only for Linux desktop right now, but perhaps porting to other CPU
architectures... emm I only test it on ArchLinux and AnthonOS, it is
very young so it might be full of bugs :P but I will fix them ASAP.

I posted to kde-devel mailing list before
http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=139407094730405 but there is no
reply :( so perhaps I need to join in the KDE developers community, then
I am able to contribute to some open source project based on Qt5, QML,
C++, please let me in, I really really really want to be a member :)

Thanks a lot!

Leslie Zhai <xiang.z...@i-soft.com.cn>

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