Hi folks!

I am Jeff Bai, also from AOSC (Anthon Open Source Community) and I am just
here to express my appreciation that one of us can be here to help making
KDE better!

Well, Leslie is kind of a new guy who just joined, and let's say, he is
totally awesome!

And well, as for I am here, there's something I and other guys in our team
would like to know about:

- We just built a Live image that runs KDE Frameworks 5 (4.98.0) and Plasma
Next (4.95.0), should we post a new page on the KDE KB that lists distros
that provided images for some kind of trying out?
- When is the time planned for the i18n framework to be built into source
so we can have it in zh_CN or other languages?

KF5 and Plasma Next are both total AWESOMENESS! KDE rocks!

Jeff Bai from AOSC
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