I just fixed a number of test failures, but a few remain:

***** With qt4:

The following tests FAILED:
          5 - kdecore-klocalizedstringtest (Failed) // I don't get it. 
dgettext("kdelibs4", msgid) works in kdelibs-4.9 and not here....
         39 - kwidgets-kglobalsettingstest (Failed) // OK that's weird, it 
works with Qt5 :)
         72 - kdeui-kstartupinfo_unittest (Failed) // Does KStartupInfo need a 
running plasma, maybe?

        122 - plasma-configloadertest (Failed)
        123 - plasma-packagestructuretest (Failed)
        124 - plasma-plasmoidpackagetest (Failed)
        125 - plasma-runnercontexttest (Failed)
No idea about plasma, can someone look into that?

***** With qt5:

The following tests FAILED:
          4 - kdecore-klocalizedstringtest (Failed) // same as the qt4 problem 
         14 - kdecore-kdatetimetest (Failed) // (*) see below
         27 - kdecore-kcalendartest (Failed) // see 
         35 - sonnet-test_filter (Failed)   // Investigated, and reported 
upstream as https://codereview.qt-project.org/31717
         46 - kde4support-klibloadertest (Failed) // Probably the new plugin 
         71 - kdeui-kstartupinfo_unittest (Failed) // hangs. 
KXMessages::x11Event needs porting to XCB. Fredrik, any hints?
         76 - kdeui-ktoolbar_unittest (Failed) // something about the keyboard 
modifiers in triggered(Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers). Will check that 
one now.
        102 - kfile-kfileplacesmodeltest (Failed) // again :-(  Benjamin, 
didn't you fix this one once already? (**)
        108 - httpheaderdispositiontest (Failed) // 3 failures, utf8 related, 
needs investigation
        116 - kutils-kemoticontest2 (Failed) // Lots of XPASS and one FAIL, 
needs investigation....

(plasma is missing because I don't have Qt5 webkit)

John, any chance you could look at kdatetimetest and kcalendartest?
Somehow behavior changed between Qt4 and Qt5, maybe related to your own work?

(*) FAIL!  : KDateTimeTest::strings_format() '!dt.isValid()' returned FALSE. ()

QDEBUG : KFilePlacesModelTest::testReparse() Expected: ("/home/dfaure", 
"remote:/", "/", "trash:/", "/media/cdrom", "/media/floppy0", "/foreign", 
"/media/nfs", "/media/XO-Y4", "/foo")
QDEBUG : KFilePlacesModelTest::testReparse()          Got: ("/home/dfaure", 
"remote:/", "/", "trash:/", "/media/floppy0", "/media/cdrom", "/media/nfs", 
"/media/XO-Y4", "/foreign", "/foo")
Hmm, "just" an ordering problem?

David Faure, fa...@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. KDE Frameworks 5

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