On Wednesday 05 September 2012 10:48:54 Chusslove Illich wrote:
> > [: David Faure :]
> > Could you have another lock? It's broken again, and this time it's not due
> > to catalogLocaleDir(), I checked it in kdelibs-4 and kf5, and it returns /
> > usr/share/locale in both (with trailing slash in kdelibs-4, but adding one
> > didn't help).
> > [...]
> > Thanks for your help, I'm at a loss here.
> Hm... When I simply did make install after pulling, I too had all
> translation tests fail. Then, when I couldn't figure out what's wrong, I
> deleted the build and install directories and built from scratch. Now only
> QCoreApplication::translate() test fails; apparently it doesn't forward the
> call to KLocale::translateQt(), i.e. KDE i18n does not see it at all.

Ah yes, that one is my doing. If we don't call KGlobal::locale anymore,
QCoreApplication::installTranslator isn't called. I'll move that code to 

But back to translateToFrench(): could it be that it is skipped for lack of 
'fr' translations on your system?

> As for i18n in general, so far I've written the script to remove KUIT markup
> _from i18n strings (turned to be a bit more involved than I thought) -- do
> you have a suggestion where to put it in the repos? 

kdesdk/scripts/kf5/, in svn.

> Next I plan to rewrite
> klocalizedstring.h, such that it reflects the planned changes, but most
> importantly to have more comprehensive doc appropriate for a standalone
> component. After we review it, I go adapting the code. Waterfall supreme.

Sounds good.
On my side I'll keep working on making a klocale framework, removing 
dependencies on other kdecore things and other frameworks. Almost there, I 

BTW I made kjs standalone already, so that klocale can depend on it (-> 
tier2). This makes kservice tier3.

David Faure, fa...@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. KDE Frameworks 5

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