On Wednesday 05 September 2012 12:29:15 Chusslove Illich wrote:
> > [: David Faure :]
> > But back to translateToFrench(): could it be that it is skipped for lack
> > of 'fr' translations on your system?
> That was the case just after I built anew :) But then I copied translations
> into proper place. So the final line of test output now is
> Totals: 7 passed, 3 failed, 0 skipped (where all 3 are due to
> QCoreApplication::translate(), including 2 calls from testThreads()).

Can you try again? I committed a fix for the KDETranslator stuff.

> > On my side I'll keep working on making a klocale framework, removing
> > dependencies on other kdecore things and other frameworks. Almost there, I
> > think.
> > 
> > BTW I made kjs standalone already, so that klocale can depend on it (->
> > tier2). This makes kservice tier3.
> As for the link between klocale and ki18n[*], I plan to comment out locale-
> dependent bits in ki18n until the situation with locale support has fully
> cleared up. Locale support is used only at few point places in ki18n (e.g.
> before final substitution of a number argument), so it does not really
> influence ki18n as a whole (unlike kjs). And everything from klocale related
> to translation I will move to ki18n.

Makes sense.

> [*] I think "ki18n" would be a good name for the i18n KF5 component.

Ah, right ki18n for the translation framework, KLocale mostly "deprecated in 
favour of QLocale", for number formatting and stuff. OK, so ki18n it is.

David Faure, fa...@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. KDE Frameworks 5

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