rkflx added a comment.

  In D12321#252261 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D12321#252261>, @markg wrote:
  > That is unexpected behavior.
  I disagree, adapting the interface dynamically is good design.
  > A tri-state would prevent that.
  >  For the record, if it becomes a tri-state i would set it to auto (this 
implementation, the view knows best) by default.
  Suppose previews are on. Now the user clicks on the button, wanting to turn 
previews off. Sadly, nothing will happen, because the user just switched into 
"automatic" mode. That's not something we should implement!
  Besides that, `tristate` is only a property of `QCheckBox`, but not of 
`QToolButton`. (And see also confusion here: 
  Thus this would need to be a separate config option, making everything even 
more complicated. I don't get why you want to see those tiny previews? Or is it 
simply out of principle that you want to control the thumbnails, even if they 
are not useful?

  R241 KIO


To: anemeth, #vdg, #frameworks, ngraham, rkflx, #dolphin, markg
Cc: markg, xyquadrat, sharvey, rkflx, ngraham, #frameworks, michaelh, bruns

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