rkflx added a comment.

  > Then you make it impossible (ultimately, not with this patch though) to for 
instance browse through folders with small icons (say icon sets).
  We have an explicit icon chooser dialog for this task, using the file dialog 
is not the recommended way for apps to select an icon. Also, as you may have 
noticed, the file dialog does not show previews of SVGs for any size, making 
your point moot.
  As for choosing PNG icons, you can simply set the icon size large enough 
(38px for me) to see the previews anyway (and make the icon large enough to be 
visible in the first place, I might add). This workaround is good enough, and 
should not prevent us from improving the handling for all other situations. 
Let's be honest here: How often do you want to select icons with <38px size, 
but cannot increase the size temporarily?

  R241 KIO


To: anemeth, #vdg, #frameworks, ngraham, rkflx, #dolphin, markg
Cc: markg, xyquadrat, sharvey, rkflx, ngraham, #frameworks, michaelh, bruns

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