Em Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 12:25:54PM -0500, Nicolas Williams escreveu:
> How should a client distinguish between two *different* LDAP databases
> using the same service principal name?
> I think each LDAP DB should have a unique service principal name. Most
> times ldap/fqdn@REALM will do, but if you're running two different LDAP
> DBs on the same host you'd have to use a different service princ name

Or share the keytab (ie, same principal). 
For both services, you will still be you, no matter what principal the 
server has.

> for at least one of them, which means that the clients have to be
> somewhat configurable with respect to Kerberos service principal names
> for LDAP servers.

I was first concerned about that when I asked about this difference
between services and hosts principals. For example, if telnet and
openssh share the same principal, how can I control access to them?
Well, that's not kerberos' job, at least not with the current
implemntation as I understand it (perhaps with MS-kerberos...). 
I shouldn't control access to a service at the "ticket" level, ie, 
if I can't get a ticket for it, then I can't access it. That's authorization.
(Hmm, I still have to read the whole thread about this that started
a few days ago...)

It's like that company example, when I present myself at the desk clerk,
I get a temp ID for use within the company. This doesn't allow me
automatically in the restricted areas.

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