"Donn Cave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I seem to be too dense this morning to see how service principal
>> names could be authorization.  I mean, with client principals it's
>> obvious enough, but I reckon that the service would be the one who
>> grants authorization, not the one who receives it, in at least the
>> typical use of service principals.

There is an implicit authorization of the server to the client, or
else mutual authentication would have no use.  If I'm printing company
financials, I want to be very sure that the entity I'm talking to is
the correct printer.  The authentication comes from mutual
authentication, and the authorization is implicit in the user ("Should
I print to the printer in the CFO's locked office, or the one in the
reception area?").

>> By extension, do you see any reason why all services should not just
>> use the "host" principal?  That's not a sarcastic question - I think
>> the point could be argued, at least for services that all run as root
>> or have enough common privilege.

Yes, there is a reason.  As several people have said, not all services
are tied to hosts.  For example, afs uses the principal name
afs/cellname@REALM to authenticate.  This is important, as the client
does not know in advance what host it is getting the data from; in the
case of replicated data, the file server host can change on the fly
without userspace ever being aware of it.  Another example is the
krbtgt service; the instance there is the kerberos realm, not the
kerberos server host.  

Also, since service principal names need to be defined in advance, you
want fine-grained naming because you don't want to require that a
particular service with root privileges.  Just because server X does
so today doesn't mean there won't be a different implementation
tomorrow which runs as a separate user.

Sadly, it looks like LDAP uses the hostname of the server, which is
probably not what you really want.


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