David Rosenstrauch wrote:
Jeffrey Altman wrote:
David Rosenstrauch wrote:
Hi. Having trouble trying to build the old kfw 2.6.5, and running into a few problems. (I need to build against the older version since I need to build for VC6.)
VC6 built applications can load DLLs produced with VS7 or VS8.

Well ... sort of. They can, but they're then dependent on the VC7 libraries (e.g., msvcr70.dll). I'm trying to build it against VC6 so that it'll only be dependent on that (e.g., MSVCP60.DLL).
_ftol2 is an private C Runtime Library function. If it is unresolved the properly run time
libs are not being used.

__FUnloadDelayLoadedDLL is found in Delayimp.lib

Note that I consider the use of 2.6.5 at this point dangerous. It is known to crash on Vista
and later OS releases or on any 64-bit platform.

Jeffrey Altman

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