I have run into a problem that I can't seem to solve or find a
workaround.  So any input would be helpful.

I have a multi-sheet schematic with a PIC microcontroller on one sheet
and memory on another.  There is a third sheet for the power supply, but
no problems with that one.

I inadvertently left off the connection for the write enable, WEn, from
the micro schematic.  I did have a pinsheet WEn (output) connected to a
pinsheet WEn (input) on the Root sheet.  And I had WEn (input Hlabel) on
the memory sheet.  I created the netlist, started laying out the PCB,
then noticed that there was no connection from the PIC to the memory for
write enable.  I am guessing that not finding the non-connection is an
error with the ERC, but not my big problem for now.

My problem is that when I added an output Hlabel for the WEn to the
micro sheet, I now get an error that WEn output from the PIC is
connected to the CEn output from the PIC.  If I change the WEn Hlabel to
a Glabel or Label, ERC indicates that there is no connection for the
pin, but doesn't give the error that it is connected to the CEn pin.

Any ideas on what to look for to correct this?

Doug Deeds
Forthright Solutions
817 230 4483

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