A clue???

I dug into the .sch file for the cpu page and did not find any errant
connections between the two pins.  I also looked in the netlist file
and found that both pin 40 and 59 of the micro had similar entries. 
Pin 40 showed a line:  ( 40 /CPU/CEn )  Pin 59 had ( 59 /CPU/CEn)  I
deleted the label from pin 59, regenerated the netlist and 59 then had
( 59 ? )
After I reapplied the Hlabel to pin 59, the new netlist shows ( 40
/CPU/WEn ) and ( 59 /CPU/WEn ) 

Anyone have any idea how one pin could get attached/swapped with another?
I redownloaded and reinstalled the 20080522 windows binaries just to
make sure I had the latest, but KiCad and EESCHEMA show 20080429.  Any
one know a reason the version/date would be off?


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