--- In kicad-users@yahoogroups.com, jean-pierre charras - INPG <jean-

> 1 - Verify in your schematic (not in libedit) the pin number (click 
on a 
> pin)
> A common mistake is a duplicate component in 2 different libs. 
> takes the first (this is a feature: lib order is significant)
> Be absolutely sure eeschema (not libedit) see 1 and 2 (and not A  
and B) 
> as pin *numbers*
> 2 *DO NOT* use spaces in labels, values, references, component 
names ...
> This is not a problem in eeschema, but a *lot* of netlist formats 
do not 
> accept spaces in names.
> I do not know the kicad version you are using.
> The last version replaces spaces in labels in pcbnew netlist, but 
it is 
> better to avoid spaces in names.
> See (with a text editor) the .net file to verify what is exactly 

Here's what is at the beginning of the netlist:

# EESchema Netlist Version 1.1 created  18/9/2008-13:06:32
 ( /48D25246 $noname  C3 C {Lib=C}
  (    B ? )
  (    A ? )
 ( /48D25243 $noname  R6 R {Lib=R}
  (    B VCC )
  (    A N-000004 )
 ( /48D25242 $noname  R9 R {Lib=R}
  (    B GND )
  (    A N-000003 )

You can see why I'm confused. Both the C and R library symbols (which 
use ~ for the pin names) show up as having A and B as the pin 
numbers. Later in the same netlist my QFP package shows up normally 
with pins starting with 1. 

Once I checked the list of libraries, it was obvious why I sometimes 
had the problem and sometimes didn't. The default location for 
additional libraries was at the top of the list. As soon as I 
put "device.lib" at the top, my problems went away. When I had added 
additional libraries from various websites to the list, the problems 

Thanks for your help.


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