I decided that "R" and "C" was too large and used libedit to make them smaller. 
I have done some projects before and when I opened them in eeschema the schemas 
had changed! The components was replaced by the new ones - and because the pins 
had moved they was all disconnected from the wires.  That means that all my old 
projects are destroyed! (well, I suppose files, are still unchanged - but I 
can't make a change without manually reconnecting all the parts)

I have also made new/different shapes on some other components too like IC's 
and transistors.

Is there a way to have other sizes on the components in new projects but keep 
the old ones in already made projects? To have "local" libraries for my 
projects? Or what's the best solution in this case?

Is there a rule that one should #never change existing parts in library# - only 
make new ones, so it will comply to old projects?

Another thing: When I start making a new board in pcbnew and import the netlist 
all the modules piles up on one spot and I have to sort them out manually... 
I've made a Java-program that uses the .sch file to change the .brd file such 
that the components will be placed out according to the position in eeschema - 
that makes the start much easier. Unfortunately I'm a beginner in Java 
programming and my GUI is not good or user friendly - none of you would accept 
it, otherwise I could have released the code here. Is there another way to 
automatically place modules in pcbnew?

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