Hi all,

        first of all, I think I must congratulate you for your work. I love 
kmymoney, and I can hardly think in using anything else to keep my finances in 
order. Thank you very much for this incredible piece of work :-)

        I want to ask for the addition to run external scripts in kmymoney. I'm 
Spanish, and the most of the stock symbols here are of the kind of "*.MC", 
which can not be downloaded by using the regular finance.yahoo.com (yahoo 
choose at some point to discontinue its support). However, is not hard at all 
to request the corresponding web page and parse it with pyhon... So, my request 
is to add a place where scripts can be added, and that output format is that 
expected from the template in the same place (very much as the current 
URL-based stock request).

        Do you have any idea on how to do this right now?

        Thank you very much!


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