On Wednesday 15 January 2014 14:47:08 Felix Rubio Dalmau wrote:
> Hi all,
>       first of all, I think I must congratulate you for your work. I love
> kmymoney, and I can hardly think in using anything else to keep my finances
> in order. Thank you very much for this incredible piece of work :-)
>       I want to ask for the addition to run external scripts in kmymoney. I'm
> Spanish, and the most of the stock symbols here are of the kind of "*.MC",
> which can not be downloaded by using the regular finance.yahoo.com (yahoo
> choose at some point to discontinue its support). However, is not hard at
> all to request the corresponding web page and parse it with pyhon... So, my
> request is to add a place where scripts can be added, and that output
> format is that expected from the template in the same place (very much as
> the current URL-based stock request).
>       Do you have any idea on how to do this right now?


If I understand correctly you want to write a script to retrieve prices for 
the stocks. This is possible and indeed I have done it. See this section of 
the manual about updating prices and adding quote sources. 

Note that the URL can also be a file: URL, which the quote fetcher takes to 
mean an executable script. It will pass any command-line arguments to it that 
you have specified, and feed the stdout to the page parser. For example, you 
might have a script called getquote.sh that contains custom quote logic, 
taking the symbol as a single parameter. Your URL would be 
“file:/path/to/getquote.sh %1”.

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