TODAY'S NEWS (January.23.2002 Juche 91)



Anti-U.S., anti-war struggle called for

U.S. warned not to forget lesson from "Pueblo" incident

Ri Hoe Chang urged to apologize to nation

Friendship gathering at Chinese embassy

Anti-U.S. education intensified in DPRK

Shock brigades of scientists and technicians

Pyongyang's appearance to change

Rodong Sinmun on driving force for national reunification

Rodong Sinmun calls for developing science and technology

U.S. hit for escalating tensions on Korean peninsula

U.S. use of germ weapons in Korea condemned

Greetings to Indonesian President

Chief of general staff of KPA meets new Chinese ambassador

For Spanish-speaking people


vocero de ajdc revela atrocidades de guerra bioquimica de ee.uu.

se arregla mas modernamente ciudad de pyongyang

ee.uu. es promotor de exacerbacion de situacion en peninsula coreana

ee.uu. no debe olvidar lecciones de caso de barco espia "pueblo"


Anti-U.S., anti-war struggle called for
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- A seminar on the subject "the prospect
of situation and counteraction of grassroots of camp in 2002" was reportedly
held in Seoul on Jan. 14 under the sponsorship of the "National Solidarity
of the People for Attaining National Independence, Democracy and People's
Vital Rights" (Minjungryondae). Speeches were made by the chairman of the
policy committee of Minjungryondae, the chairman of the policy committee of
the "council for independence and reunification, the chief of the policy
section of the "Korean confederation of trade unions", the chairman of the
planning committee of the Democratic Workers' Party, the representative of
the "workers' power" and others.
    They said that unilateralism and hegemonism of the U.S. that proclaimed
this year as a "year of war" would render the international situation
strained and create tensions on the Korean peninsula. But as there are the
increasing sentiment against such moves of the U.S. to expand war and its
hard-line policy toward the north, the anti-U.S. struggle will be waged in
2002 more broadly than in any year, they noted.
    They called for conducting a more dynamic anti-U.S., anti-war struggle
and waging a joint powerful struggle to check the U.S. strategy for military
supremacy and bar the South Korean society from turning into conservative
and fascist one. 


U.S. warned not to forget lesson from "Pueblo" incident
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) The U.S. imperialists' armed spy ship
"Pueblo" is exhibited on the River Taedong, Pyongyang. It was captured by
navy men of the Korean People's Army on Jan. 23, Juche 57 (1968) when it
intruded illegally into the territorial waters of the DPRK. An endless
stream of people are now visiting it.
    Foreigners looked round the ship and were deeply moved to see the heroic
struggle of the Korean people who are smashing all the U.S. moves for
aggression and war and glorifying the dignity and honour of the nation.
    Omar Lopez Perez, chairman of the Venezuelan National Society for the
Study of the Juche Idea, said that "Pueblo" is a historical evidence that
shows aggressive nature, brutality and craftiness of the U.S. imperialists.
    He went on: 
    The U.S. imperialists were defeated in the Korean War ignited by
themselves and surrendered to the heroic Korean people.
    They suffered a disgraceful defeat, the first of its kind in history,
which started them on the downhill.
    They are now watching for a chance to invade the DPRK, far from drawing
the lesson from the defeat in the Korean War.
    Their provocative moves are frustrated by the heroic Korean people.
    Guy Dupre, secretary general of the International Liaison Committee for
Reunification and Peace in Korea, said that the U.S. should neither forget
the lesson from "Pueblo" incident nor act rashly.
    Marwan Sudah, a member of the friendship delegation of political parties
of Jordan, noted that in the "Pueblo" incident, the large spy plane ec-121
incident and the "Panmunjom" incident which caused the hair-raising danger
of war on the Korean peninsula and drew the world's attention, the Korean
people humbled the pride of the U.S.
    No one on earth can match the servicemen of the heroic Korean people's
army who are ready to lay down their lives to defend their leader, ideology
and political system, he stressed, and went on:
    In the vortex of history the Korean people could achieve a great victory
and work miracles of success thanks to the peculiar army-based policy of
supreme commander Kim Jong Il.


Ri Hoe Chang urged to apologize to nation
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today runs a commentary
denouncing Ri Hoe Chang, president of the "Grand National Party" of South
Korea, for making imprudent remarks harmful to inter-Korean relations, as
part of his diatribe against the north at a "New Year press conference" on
January 17. The news analyst says: Ri, styling himself a would-be
"president" of South Korea, talked about what he called "principles." His
remarks were designed to throw a stumbling block in the way of the
implementation of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    What merits a serious attention is that he pulled up the north over the
issues of "terrorism" and "weapons of mass destruction."
    The United States is escalating the campaign to stifle the DPRK, citing
the DPRK as "a sponsor of terrorism" in the wake of the "September 11
    Ri is chiming in with the words of the u.s., going against the mindset
of the people. 
    It is not hard to guess that he is trying to curry favor with the U.S.
master to become the next "president" of South Korea. It is an act of a
miserable servant and a mucky political swindle to try to seize power with
the help of outsiders, turning his back on the nation.
    The traitors who sacrifice the interests of the nation for the sake of
outsiders are bound to meet a stern judgement by the nation. Ri should draw
a lesson from the miserable end of the pro-American flunkeyist traitors and
apologize to the nation for his anti-national, anti-reunification crimes. If
he refuses to do so, the nation will never tolerate him.


Friendship gathering at Chinese embassy
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Wu Donghe, Chinese ambassador to the
DPRK, held a friendship gathering at the embassy yesterday on the occasion
of the New Year. Invited there were Ji Jae Ryong and Pak Kyong Son, vice
department directors of the central committee of the Workers' Party of
Korea, and officials concerned.
    Staff members of the Chinese embassy were present.
    Speeches were made at the gathering.
    Participants underscored the need to boost friendly relations between
the two countries. 


Anti-U.S. education intensified in DPRK
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Many people are visiting the U.S.
imperialists' armed spy ship "Pueblo" anchored close to the bank of the
River Taedong flowing through Pyongyang. "Pueblo" was captured by navymen of
the people's army on patrol duty while committing espionage after intruding
into the territorial waters of the DPRK on Jan. 23, Juche 57 (1968).
    There were on board the 1,000-odd-ton class ship more than 80 GIs,
various types of weapons and sophisticated spying equipment.
    The DPRK's seizure of "Pueblo" was a legitimate exercise of its
    But the U.S. imperialists amassed their aggressor forces in waters off
the DPRK coast and threatened the DPRK with "military retaliation",
clamoring that the spy ship was seized in the "open sea" and it was not
engaged in any espionage.
    The DPRK declared that it would react to the U.S. imperialists'
"retaliation" with retaliation and counter an all-out war with an all-out
    The U.S. government was compelled to admit "Pueblo's" espionage and sign
a document giving assurances that it would not repeat such an act in the
    Hearing an explanation about the crime and seeing evidence, visitors
expressed bitter resentment at the U.S. imperialists' shameless nature and
moves to provoke a war.
    There are so many places in the DPRK which bear witness to the crimes
committed by the U.S. imperialists including the victorious Fatherland
Liberation War Museum and the Sinchon Museum.
    Visits to these places deeply convince everyone that the U.S.
imperialists are the sworn enemy of the Koreans and the harasser of peace.


Shock brigades of scientists and technicians
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The shock brigades of scientists and
technicians have proved themselves successful in the DPRK. They have been
active at the main units of different sectors of the national economy from
over 20 years ago. 
    The members of the shock brigades take it as the main duty to solve on
the spot the urgent scientific and technological problems.
    They contrived and introduced tens of thousands of technical innovation
proposals and new techniques, which are greatly profitable, throughout the
country last year when they were pressed hard for everything.
    In the coal industrial domain they introduced highly efficient machines
and equipment and new excavating techniques into production to produce coal
hundreds of thousands of more tons of coal a year.
    In the sector of railway transport, they developed modern sensing
devices and control programs to lay solid foundations for computerization of
the domain. 
    Those active at metal, electric and light industrial factories and
enterprises stepped up the computerization of production processes and
management in conformity with the requirements of the era of information
industry. Therefore, they netted the state great profits.
    More than 700 units in Pyongyang introduced at least 7,000 technical
innovation proposals to save much materials and manpower including 7 million
kwh of electricity, over 800 tons of steel, more than 40,000 tons of coal
and at least 1,000 tons of crude oil.


Pyongyang's appearance to change
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- A project to give face-lifting to
Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, is now underway. Monumental
edifices, public buildings and dwelling houses in the city will be repaired
overall. The exterior of dwelling houses will be coated with different
colors to suit their architectural and formative artistic features and their
interior refurbished for the convenience of people's living.
    Old and backward buildings will be pulled down and modern dwelling
houses and public buildings built.
    The Grand People's Study House, the People's Palace of Culture,
buildings of national institutions and other public buildings will be
renovated and bedecked with architectural and lighting decorations.
    All streets and roads will be given face-lifting.
    Tramcar railways will be moved from the centre of roads to both sides
for convenience and security of vehicles.
    Pyongyang will be in parks covered with green foliage and all kinds of
flowers in full bloom.
    All streets, villages, parks and recreation grounds will be more
afforested and amusement facilities and historical relics and remains
adjusted and preserved as they were.
    The country is hard pressed for everything, but those units concerned
are making full preparations for repair and construction of buildings.


Rodong Sinmun on driving force for national reunification
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The slogan "Reunify the country by
united efforts of our nation" contained in the joint editorial for this year
ardently appeals to all the Koreans to turn out in a struggle for national
reunification, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. The news
analyst says: 
    The key to national reunification is in the hands of the Korean nation
because it is the driving force for national reunification.
    This key should not be left to others.
    The U.S. imperialists are working hard to bar the Koreans from paving
the way for independent and peaceful reunification by the concerted efforts
of the Korean nation under the banner of the June 15 North-South Joint
Declaration and isolate and stifle the DPRK.
    The U.S. is going to unleash another war against the Korean nation and
its invariable wild ambition to invade the DPRK is getting ever more
    It is urgently required by the situation that the Korean nation as the
driving force for national reunification should hold fast to the key to
national reunification.
    The Koreans are fully capable of achieving national reunification on
their own efforts. 
    The key to national reunification means warm patriotism based on
profound understanding of the country and boundless love for the nation and
the mental strength of the Koreans fully aware of their position as the
driving force for national reunification.
    Reflected in the joint declaration that instilled strong enthusiasm for
reunification into the whole nation are tremendous attraction and the fair
and aboveboard nature of the patriotic all-embracing policy of leader Kim
Jong Il. 
    The joint declaration serves as a milestone showing a shortcut to
national reunification to the Korean nation.
    This short-cut lies in achieving reunification independently by the
united efforts of the Korean nation in the spirit of the declaration.


Rodong Sinmun calls for developing science and technology
    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today editorially calls
for bringing about a new surge in building a powerful nation with main
emphasis laid on science and technology. A powerful nation now being built
under the leadership of Kim Jong Il means a scientifically and
technologically strong nation.
    The efforts to build the scientifically and technologically strong
nation reflect noble patriotism of the leader who is responsible for the
present and future of Kim Il Sung's Korea and his clairvoyance with which he
gives precedence to the development of science and technology.
    The ideological and military positions of the DPRK are strong. When the
people put the nation's economy on the basis of uptodate science and
technology, they are sure to build a powerful socialist nation of the 21st
century in the near future.
    Thanks to his guidance the DPRK's Juche-based science wrought a
world-startling miracle such as the successful launch of satellite
Kwangmyongsong 1 despite a rigorous trial and is now gaining signal
successes in the efforts to attain a higher goal in the 21st century.
    Our scientists are valuable patriots who devotedly worked for the
development of the nation's science and technology with the firm faith that
they were happy to engage themselves in researches for the country, though
they had to eat gruel mixed with vegetables during the "arduous march" and
the forced march. The DPRK is proud to have many talented, honest and simple
intellectuals with pure and clean conscience and noble outlook on life that
they should devote their wisdom and energy to materializing his plan for the
building of a scientifically and technologically powerful nation. This is a
solid foundation for the building of such nation.
    The science and technology of the DPRK will be put on the world level in
a short span of time and will pay off as the driving force for the building
of a powerful nation thanks to his Juche-based idea of attaching importance
to science and technology, a large contingent of able scientists and the
best socialist system in the world.


U.S. hit for escalating tensions on Korean peninsula
    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The United States has escalated the
military tensions on the Korean peninsula, more desperately pursuing the
hostile policy toward the DPRK in the new century, said Rodong Sinmun
Tuesday in a signed article. The U.S. policy of aggression against the DPRK
is to swallow it up by force of arms and, to this end, the U.S. is
escalating the tensions and confrontation, the article said, and went on:
    The U.S. thinks it can use "military threat" from the DPRK as the best
pretext to put military pressure on it and, furthermore, ignite a war on the
Korean peninsula. 
    The Bush administration is pursuing a military hard line toward the DPRK
after totally derailing the positive process of improving the DPRK-U.S.
relations in the days of the preceding administration. Since the U.S.
designated the DPRK as the "arch enemy" it has escalated the military
pressure, threat and blackmail against the DPRK while threatening to take a
military option, against the DPRK if it refuses to yield to the U.S.
strong-arm demand. 
    In the meantime, the U.S. is rounding off its preparations for a war
while beefing up its aggressor forces in South Korea and its surroundings.
    The U.S. armed forces present in South Korea are the main factor of
aggravating the situation on the Korean peninsula and a source of war. The
U.S. is working hard to unleash a new Korean war by deploying its forces in
South Korea on the forefront and swiftly hurling its forces in the Japanese
proper, Okinawa, Guam island, Hawaii and its mainland, etc. into it.
    The U.S. is well advised to recognize that its policy for stifling the
DPRK by force of arms is totally wrong and drop this in keeping with the
trend of the times toward independence in the new century.


U.S. use of germ weapons in Korea condemned
    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korean Democratic
Lawyers Association yesterday issued a statement 50 years after the United
States' use of germ weapons in Korea. Pointing to the biological and
chemical warfare conducted by the U.S. in Korea, he said:
    The U.S. began to use germ weapons in Korea by dropping bombs containing
smallpox bacteria while fleeing from the temporarily occupied areas in the
winter of 1950, the early period of the Korean War.
    The U.S. imperialists massively scattered such insects as fly, spider
and bedbug carrying pest, cholera, and typhoid bacteria and other germs all
over areas of the north from Jan. 28, 1952.
    They killed many Koreans by indiscriminately dropping germ weapons on
over 800 occasions in less two months since then.
    They massively used toxic chemical weapons on the front and in the rear
of Korea besides germ weapons. Poison-gas bombs were dropped over Nampho
city and other areas on May 6, 1951.
    These atrocities were objectively proved on the spot by the fact-finding
group of the then international democratic lawyers association, the
international scientific and other international investigation groups and
confirmed by the testimonies made by POWs of the U.S. forces who
participated in this warfare.
    This notwithstanding, the U.S. has not yet admitted the crimes committed
by it. It tries to bring again untold misfortune to the peoples in Korea and
the rest of the world after massively stockpiling all types of biological
and chemical weapons enough to exterminate humankind tens of times.
    This is clearly evidenced by the recent "bacillus anthracis incident"
that occurred in the U.S.
    The U.S. is well advised to officially admit its biological and chemical
warfare committed in Korea and make an apology to the Korean people and
immediately eliminate all nuclear and biological and chemical weapons and
other weapons of mass destruction stockpiled in its country and South Korea.


Greetings to Indonesian President
    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, yesterday sent a message of greetings
to Megawati Soekarnoputri, President of Indonesia, on the occasion of her
55th birthday. The message wished the president good health and happiness
and greater success in her responsible work for the stability and prosperity
of the country. 


Chief of general staff of KPA meets new Chinese ambassador
    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Vice marshal Kim Yong Chun, chief of the
general staff of the Korean People's Army, today met and had a talk with Wu
Donghe, new Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, who paid a courtesy call on him.
Present there were generals and officers of the KPA and the military attache
of the Chinese embassy here.


For Spanish-speaking people

vocero de ajdc revela atrocidades de guerra bioquimica de ee.uu.
     pyongyang, 23 de enero (atcc) -- el vocero de la asociacion de juristas
democraticos de corea hizo publica el dia 22 una declaracion con motivo de
cumplirse los 50 anos desde cuando ee.uu. habia utilizado en corea las armas
bacteriologicas. el vocero puso al desnudo las atrocidades de guerra
bioquimica de ee.uu. perpetradas en corea.
    en el invierno de 1950 a principios de la guerra coreana los agresores
imperialistas norteamericanos, al huir derrotados de las zonas temporalmente
ocupadas, comenzaron a usar las armas bacteriologicas en corea con la
difusion de germenes patogenos de viruela, senalo el vocero y continuo:
    ellos dispersaron a partir del 28 de enero de 1952 en toda la extension
de corea del norte una gran cantidad de moscas, aranas, chinches y otros
insectos portadores de los bacilos de las enfermedades contagiosas tales
como peste, colera, tifus.
    en el periodo de menos de 2 meses desde aquel entonces los yanquis
lanzaron en mas de 800 ocasiones armas del genero para matar
indiscriminadamente a numerosos coreanos.
    arrojaron el 6 de mayo de 1951 en la ciudad de nampho y otros lugares
bombas de gases toxicos y usaron gran cantidad de armas quimicas venenosas
en el frente y la retaguardia de corea.
    tales atrocidades de los yanquis fueron comprobadas en el mismo terreno
por el grupo de averiguacion de la asociacion internacional de juristas
democratas, el grupo de averiguacion cientifica internacional y otros varios
grupos de averiguacion y por los testimonios de los prisioneros
norteamericanos incorporados a la pulverizacion de armas bacteriologicas.
    ee.uu. no reconoce hasta la fecha sus crimenes. tiene acumulada tanta
cantidad de armas bioquimicas de toda clase que sobren aun luego de
exterminar decenas de veces a los seres humanos, tratando de volver a
acarrear catastrofes al pueblo coreano y la humanidad.
    lo atestigua fehacientemente el "caso de germenes de carbunco" ocurrido
recientemente en ee.uu..
    ee.uu. debe reconocer oficialmente sus atrocidades de guerra bioquimica
cometidas en corea y pedir disculpa ante el pueblo coreano y eliminar de
inmediato todas sus armas nucleares y bioquimicas y otras de exterminio
masivo acumuladas en sudcorea y en su pais.


se arregla mas modernamente ciudad de pyongyang
     pyongyang, 23 de enero (atcc) -- en corea se desarrolla la labor de
reparacion y construccion para arreglar la capital pyongyang, como una
ciudad mas moderna. los edificios monumentales y el municipio central de la
ciudad y otros edificios e instalaciones se pondran en la reparacion global.
    el exterior de edificios lo pintaran de varios colores conforme a la
forma arquitectonica y la caracteristica de arte plastica y su interior se
acondicionara nuevamente de modo que sea comodo para la vida de los
    se desharan los edificios caducos y atrasados y se construiran las
viviendas modenas y los edificios publicos.
    el palacio de estudio del pueblo, el palacio cultrual del pueblo, los
edificios de organos centrales y otros publicos seran reparados y
reconstruidos y las decoraciones de edificios y de fuego seran nobles y
    las importantes carreteras y los caminos principales cambiaran
radicalmente de su fisonomia.
    las vias de tranvia puestas actualmente en el centro de la carretera se
trasladaran a sus lados y se garantizaran la comodidad y la seguridad de los
medios de transporte.
    y pyongyang se convertira en una ciudad situada dentro de un parque de
arboles frondosos y floridos.
    en todas las avenidas, aldeas, parques y lugares de recreo se plantaran
muchos arboles y se conservaran y se arreglaran en el estado original todas
las instalaciones de recreo, reliquias y vestigios historicos.
    aun es dificil la situacion economica del pais y son escasos todos, pero
los sectores conexos realizan bien los preparativos para promover la
reparacion y la construccion de la capital.


ee.uu. es promotor de exacerbacion de situacion en peninsula coreana
     pyongyang, 23 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
articulo individual del dia 22 senala: en el nuevo siglo ee.uu. arrecia como
nunca su politica de hostilidad y aplastamiento a la rpdc exacerbando la
tension militar en la peninsula coreana.
    ee.uu. persigue la politica agresiva de aplastar militarmente a la rpdc,
agudizando para este fin la tirantez y la confrontacion con esta.
    ee.uu. considera que la "amenaza militar" de la rpdc de que habla, podra
servirle de un mejor pretexto para ejercerle la presion militar y desatar la
guerra en la peninsula coreana.
    la nueva administracion bush freno el movimiento positivo por la mejora
de sus relaciones con la rpdc logrado en el periodo de la administracion
anterior y ahora practica la politica de dureza militar contra ella.
    al considerarla como "enemigo principal no.1" ee.uu. toma la postura de
dureza de alta presion con la disposicion de tomar el metodo de guerra en el
caso en que la rpdc no obedezca a su demanda coercitiva y eleva el grado de
la presion militar, la amenaza y el chantaje a ella.
    refuerza sus fuerzas armadas agresivas en surcorea y su contorno dando
mas espuelas a sus preparativos belicos.
    las tropas norteamericanas ocupantes de surcorea constituyen las fuerzas
belicas y el factor principal de la exacerbacion de la situacion en la
peninsula coreana. 
    ee.uu. las toma por las fuerzas armadas avanzadas y trata de trasladar
con rapidez a sus fuerzas armadas del mismo territorio del japon, okinawa,
isla guam, hawaii y el mismo territorio de su pais para cumplir la nueva
guerra coreana. 
    ee.uu. debe darse cuenta de que su politica de aplastamiento militar a
la rpdc es una gran equivocacion y abandonar su politica de aislamiento y
aplastamiento a la rpdc conforme a la corriente de la epoca de independencia
del nuevo siglo. 


ee.uu. no debe olvidar lecciones de caso de barco espia "pueblo"
    pyongyang, 23 de enero (atcc) -- a la orilla del rio taedong de esta
capital, esta exhibido el barco espia armado "pueblo" del imperialismo
norteamericano, que al cabo de infiltrarse ilegalmente en las aguas
territoriales de la republica popular democratica de corea fue capturado el
23 de enero del 57 (1968) de la era juche por los marineros del ejercito
popular de corea. el lugar de exhibicion esta abarrotado cada dia de
    las personalidades de varios paises, al recorrer el barco, quedan muy
impresionados de la lucha heroica del pueblo coreano que defiende la
dignidad y el honor del pais y la nacion frustrando a cada paso las
ininterrumpidas maquinaciones de guerra de agresion de ee.uu.
    omar lopez, presidente de la sociedad nacional venezolana para el
estudio de la idea juche, dijo que el barco espia armado "pueblo" es una
prueba historica de la agresividad, la crueldad y la astucia de los
imperialistas norteamericanos y preciso que los yankis, en la guerra coreana
desatada por ellos mismos, se vieron obligados a rendirse ante el heroico
pueblo coreano. 
    senalo que desde entonces tomaron el camino de declive luego de sufrir
una vergonzosa derrota por primera vez en la historia y anadio que en vez de
sacar lecciones de su derrota sufrida en la guerra coreana acechan tambien
hoy la oportunidad de emprender la agresion a la rpdc.
    asevero que el heroico pueblo coreano frustra rotundamente las maniobras
provocativas de los yankis.
    guy dupre, secretario general del comite internacional de enlace por la
reunificacion y la paz en corea dijo que ee.uu. debe actuar con prudencia
sin olvidar las lecciones del barco "pueblo".
    marwan sudah, miembro de la delegacion de amistad de varios partidos
politicos de jordania dijo que en los casos del barco "pueblo", el gran
avion de espionaje "ec-121" y "phanmunjom" que llamaron la atencion del
mundo por el inminente peligro del estallido de la guerra en la peninsula
coreana el pueblo coreano le bajo los humos a soberbio ee.uu..
    en este mundo nadie puede vencer al heroico ejercito popular de corea
listo a dedicar la vida para defender a su lider, idea y regimen, recalco el
y subrayo que la especifica politica de priorizacion militar del estimado
comandante supremo, camarada kim jong il es la llave de la gran victoria y
los exitos para el pueblo coreano aun en medio del torbellino de la

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