TODAY'S NEWS (January.23.2001 Juche 90)



Plenary meetings of youth and women's organizations

Kim Jong Il's birthday to be celebrated abroad

Rodong Sinmun on ever-lasting DPRK-PRC friendship

Rodong Sinmun on attitude toward joint declaration

U.S. urged to apologize for mass killings

U.S. army "report on investigation results" rejected

Power station built in Pakistan with DPRK aid

Kim Yong Nam meets Cuban ambassador

For Spanish-speaking people


amistad coreano - china seguira desarrollandose de siglo en siglo

entrevistase kim yong nam con embajador cubano

Plenary meetings of youth and women's organizations
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The 21st plenary meeting of the c.c.,
the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League and the 36th plenary meeting of the
c.c., the Korean Democratic Women's Union were held here on Monday. The
meetings discussed the tasks facing the youth league and the women's union
to carry through the tasks laid down in the joint New Year editorial of
Rodong Sinmun, Josoninmingun and Chongnyonjonwi "Let's open our way through
the new century in the spirit of the victorious 'arduous march' "


Kim Jong Il's birthday to be celebrated abroad
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees were formed in
India, Bulgaria and Malta to celebrate the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il
which will fall on February 16. It was decided at their inaugural meetings
to conduct colorful events to mark the February holiday.
    The meeting of inaugurating the Indian national preparatory committee
called upon the peaceloving people of the world to significantly celebrate
the birthday as a common holiday.


Rodong Sinmun on ever-lasting DPRK-PRC friendship
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today editorially hails
leader Kim Jong Il's successful visit to the People's Republic of China
(PRC). It says: 
    Kim Jong Il's historic china visit offered a momentous opportunity of
consolidating and developing the friendly DPRK-PRC relations and it will
greatly contribute to ensuring peace and security in Asia and the world.
    His visit was successful thanks to the special care and cordial
hospitality accorded to him by the central committee of the Communist Party
of China and the State Council of the PRC and President Jiang Zemin.
    At the talks, the leaders of the two parties and two countries informed
each other of the situation in their countries and exchanged views on the
issue of further developing the bilateral relations and on major
international issues of common concern and reached a consensus of views on
    They agreed to make positive efforts to further consolidate and develop
the long-standing traditional DPRK-PRC friendship and put the friendly and
cooperative relations between the two countries onto a higher level.
    The peoples of the two countries have long consolidated their friendship
and solidarity despite ordeals and difficulties.
    It is invariable wishes of the two parties and the two peoples to see
the friendship steadily growing strong in the 21st century, too, as in the
last century. The two leaders at their meetings and talks reclarified their
will to further consolidate the bilateral relations to bring about a bright
future through the new century.
    The Chinese people are working hard to achieve stability and unity of
the society and build socialism with Chinese characteristics under the
leadership of the CPC and China's international position is rising ever
    We sincerely hope everything will go well in China.
    The steady growth of the DPRK-PRC friendship is conducive to pushing
forward the revolution and construction in the two countries and achieving
their prosperity and progress.


Rodong Sinmun on attitude toward joint declaration
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Attitude toward the June 15 north-south
joint declaration adopted last year is a touchstone that distinguishes
between reunification and division, stressed Rodong Sinmun on Monday in a
signed article. It is because the joint declaration is a landmark indicating
the way of reunification, the article said, and went on:
    The declaration explicitly clarified that the reunification of Korea
should be realized independently by the united efforts of the nation
responsible for it.
    It lays a groundwork for the north and the south to work together for
the country's reunification with a common way and goal for it for the first
time since the division of the nation. It calls for preserving common
denominators between the north-proposed low-level federation and the
south-proposed confederation and reunifying the country by means of federacy
in the future. 
    In the joint declaration both sides agreed to solve the humanitarian
issues as soon as possible and develop cooperation and exchange in the
economic, social, cultural, sports, health care, environmental and all other
    This is an essential prerequisite for creating an atmosphere of national
harmony and unity and promoting national reunification.
    It is also because the joint declaration is demonstrating its great
vitality in practice as a declaration on the independent reunification of
the nation. 
    After its publication the relations between the north and the south of
Korea are shifting from antagonism and confrontation to a new relationship
of reconciliation and cooperation. Under this situation the attitude toward
the joint declaration is a touchstone that shows who truly wants
reunification or not.


U.S. urged to apologize for mass killings
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. authorities have made an
announcement distorting the truth behind the massacres committed by GIs in
Rogun-ri during the last Korean War. In this regard, the south headquarters
of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's
Reunification (Pomchonghakryon) and the South Korean Federation of
University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) reportedly released statements on
January 12 and 13 blasting this announcement.
    The south headquarters of Pomchonghakryon said in a statement that the
GIs' killings of civilians were committed in a deliberate and premeditated
manner, not by accident.
    The United States should make an apology and compensation for the
massacres of civilians committed in the Korean peninsula and punish those
responsible for them, the statement urged.
    Hanchongryon in a statement expressed surging anger at the U.S.
announcement. And it demanded that activities be done again from the start
for a thoroughgoing probe into the Rogun-ri incident, an apology and
reparation for it and punishment of those responsible for it.
    We will struggle united around the nationwide special committee for
investigation into the truth behind the GIs' mass killings until the
thoroughgoing probe into the case is made and the criminals punished at the
war crimes tribunal.


U.S. army "report on investigation results" rejected
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- A group of American lawyers declared
that it would take a legal action against the U.S. government, branding the
U.S. Department of the Army's "report on results of investigation" into the
mass killings committed by GIs in Rogun-ri as "quite unacceptable,"
Seoul-based Yonhap News said. Based on news releases, the group charged that
the U.S. Department of the Army in its report shifts the blame for the mass
killings onto soldiers and junior officers.
    Urging the U.S. Department of the Army to make an official apology and
urgent compensation for the massacres, it declared that those survivors
would fight against the U.S. army until their demands are met.


Power station built in Pakistan with DPRK aid
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- A power station was built in Kashmir
Province, Pakistan with the aid of the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea. Present at a commissioning ceremony held on Jan. 12 were Sultan
Mahumud Chowddhry, prime minister of the Kashmir provincial government, and
people of different social standings, the Korean ambassador to Pakistan and
Korean technicians.
    Speakers at the ceremony said that the power station would greatly
promote the development of the regional economy and culture and be a symbol
of Pakistan-Korea friendship.
    The provincial people will always remember the sincere aid of the Korean
people, they noted.


Kim Yong Nam meets Cuban ambassador
     Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea, met and had a talk with Jose Manuel Inclan Embade, Cuban
ambassador to the DPRK, who paid a farewell visit to him at the Mansudae
Assembly Hall today. Present there was vice-minister of foreign affairs Kung
Sok Ung. 


For Spanish-speaking people

amistad coreano - china seguira desarrollandose de siglo en siglo
     pyongyang, 23 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el numero
de hoy inserto un editorial relativo a la exitosa efectuacion de la visita
del gran dirigente kim jong il a la republica popular china. el editorial
    la historica visita del dirigente kim jong il a la rpch sirve de un
motivo trascendental en el fortalecimiento y desarrollo de las relaciones de
amistad coreano-china y contribuira grandemente a la preservacion de la paz
y la seguridad de asia y el resto del mundo.
    la presente visita fue realizada exitosamente bajo la atencion especial
y la cordial hospitalidad del cc del partido comunista de china, el consejo
de estado de la rpch y el presidente jiang zemin.
    en las conversaciones los dirigentes de ambos partidos y paises se
informaron de la situacion de sus respectivos paises, intercambiaron
opiniones sobre un mayor desarrollo de las relaciones bilaterales y otros
importantes problemas internacionales de interes mutuo y llegaron a la
identidad de criterios.
    acordaron hacer esfuerzos activos por consolidar y desarrollar aun mas
la tradicional amistad coreano - china con una larga historia y situar las
relaciones de amistad y cooperacion de ambos paises al nivel mas elevado de
    durante un largo tiempo historico lleno de dificultades y pruebas los
pueblos de corea y china vienen fortaleciendo su amistad y solidaridad.
    tambien en el siglo 21 como en el siglo pasado los partidos y pueblos de
ambos paises tienen el invariable deseo de consolidar y desarrollar sin
cesar la amistad. en su reciente encuentro y conversaciones los dirigentes
de ambos partidos y paises volvieron a manifestar la voluntad de fortalecer
y desarrollar aun mas las relaciones de amistad y cooperacion coreano-china
en la forja del radiante porvenir del nuevo siglo.
    hoy en dia el pueblo chino bajo la direccion del partido comunista de
china se esfuerza por lograr la estabilidad y la unidad de la sociedad y
construir el socialismo propio de china y la autoridad exterior de este pais
se eleva de dia en dia. el pueblo coreano desea sinceramente que en china
todas las cosas marchen bien.
    el incesante fortalecimiento y desarrollo de la amistad coreano-china
contribuye a la promocion de la revolucion y la construccion y a la
prosperidad y desarrollo de ambos paises.


entrevistase kim yong nam con embajador cubano
     pyongyang, 23 de enero (atcc) -- el presidente kim yong nam del
presidium de la asamblea popular suprema de la republica popular democratica
de corea sostuvo hoy una charla en el palacio de los congresos mansudae con
jose manuel inclan embade, embajador de la republica de cuba en la rpdc que
le hizo una visita de despedida. estuvo presente el viceministro kung sok
ung de 

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