----- Original Message -----
From: Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
To: <mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:;@mindspring.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 10:43 PM
Subject: Report on Munich conference protest

> On Saturday, February 3, a rally was held to protest against the
> Wehrkunde conference (one possible translation of Wehrkunde is
> "education in military affairs") that was held yesterday and today in
> Munich. This annual conference is usually attended by high-ranking
> politicians and militaries from European countries, NATO, and "allies
> and friends". The protest was aimed against the conference in general
> and against the attendance of US Minister of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld,
> and his NMD and space weaponization plans in particular.
> Although a long list of local and national groups supported the
> protests, it was almost exclusively local people joining the protests.
> (The Munich American Peace Committee was also there with several
> people.) The Munich groups had done a good job in mobilizing in the
> peace community, but weather conditions were very discouraging. I had
> the impression I was the only non-local person who'd traveled to Munich
> to participate in the protest.
> The rally was held in front of the hotel, at the corner of a little park
> in the middle of the street. About 50 people turned up. Two speeches
> concentrated on the purpose of the conference and on the role NATO had
> played in the Yugoslavia war. My speech concentrated on Mr. Rumsfeld and
> the result of the two "Rumsfeld commissions" and what that meant for the
> National Missile Defense and further-reaching space weaponization plans.
> A member of WILPF talked about nuclear weapons. Two speeches I missed
> because people wanted to hear more about the space stuff. We stayed
> there for approx. 1 1/2 hours.
> Quite a few TV teams came by to film, but none of them were willing to
> take interviews. Not a single radio or print media journalist came by to
> talk to us. Friends at home listened to and watched news all day. They
> said, that the conference was well covered, so were the conflicting
> opinions of Rumsfeld and most of the European heads of state and foreign
> ministers. But not a word about the protests...
> But I am sure the German governments understood the message: there are
> citizens out there who press them hard to oppose the US NMD and space
> weaponizations plans.
> The Munich protesters appreciated my coming and were very interested to
> hear about the space militarization. They urged me to write down what
> I'd said at the rally, which I did today. If you want the German text,
> let me know. I don't have the time to translate it into English. Maybe
> someone volunteers?
In peace
Regina Hagen
Darmstadt, Germany
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Board of Director

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