From: "Michel Collon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 10:19:08 +0100
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Congo Declaration of CPP

Article published in the Congolese newspaper "L'Avenir" of 13th February

For a good understanding : the CPP [Comités du Pouvoir populaire, Committees
of Popular Power] were founded by Kabila at the beginning of 1998.
We have translated before the two speeches in which Kabila explains the
orientation and the purpose of these Committees. The speeches are available
at They are important for progressive people to
read, because they clarify the current political conflict between the left
wing and right wing forces in Kinshasa.
After Kabila's death, Mr. Sakombi who was in charge of the leadership that
was supposed to build up the CPP declared that the CPP should be dissolved
or transformed into a political party. Sakombi is Minister of Information.
At the same time the Congolese people know him as a former great ideologue
of the Mobutu-regime. Therefore he is not loved at all.

This declaration drawn up by grass-roots responsible people of the CPP is in
fact a declaration of war to Sakombi and refers to the revolutionary
orientation of the CPP that was given by Kabila.

We appreciate your reactions
Tony Busselen, Int'l Dept. WPB, specialist on the Congo

A Congress of the CPP to stop Sakombi's tricks

As revolutionaries and followers of Kabila, as cadres of the CPP [Committee
of Popular Power] responsible on the district, institute and General
Secretariat level, we take the initiative of this declaration that we submit
to all accounting persons of the CPP. We call for all those who agree to
this declaration to sign it and to propagate it. Let us carry on the work of
national liberation undertaken by our national Hero Comrade M'zee
Laurent-Désiré Kabila. We have been deeply affected by the cowardly
assassination of President Kabila. This crime has been committed exactly
forty years, day for day, after the murder of his illustrious predecessor
Patrice Lumumba.
Kabila in fight
The whole Congolese People and in particular the CPP will remember forever
the persistence of Comrade Kabila during the fight he led from 1960 to 1996
against the establishment of neo-colonialism in the Congo and against
Mobutu's neo-colonial dictatorship. They will remember forever his clever
leadership during the war of liberation, which managed eventually to throw
away Mobutu's dictatorship, and at one blow of Mobutu himself who was still
sitting in place seven years after the beginning of the transition period.
The Congolese People and the CPP shall never forget the efforts, that late
President Kabila made during the first year of nationalist power in order to
restore security, to rebuild the State, to stabilise the currency, to revive
economy and guarantee the public goods. The United States tried to impede
this irresistible upturn for the liberation of our People by waging a war of
aggression actually led by Rwanda and Uganda.
President Kabila devoted himself entirely to the cause of defence of the
Motherland, to build up a patriotic army and support the popular war in
order to expel the invaders and bring back independence, sovereignty and
territorial integrity. The CPP, loyal to the feelings of the whole
population have been shocked and outraged by which easiness the dear
President could have been killed. We ask for that the team composed of
Congolese and allied inquisitors works thoroughly and quickly to clear out
all implications in the plot and all promoters.
The whole population agrees that this hot question is extremely urgent.
Actually if they failed to be exposed the plotters and the promoters will
carry on their criminal activities as long as the national uproar, presently
led by President Joseph Kabila, has not succumbed.
The People demands that the inquiry ends up rapidly in order to help the new
President to carry on steadily on the path showed by M'zee Laurent-Désiré
Kabila towards full national independence.
The signatories of this Declaration think that it is necessary to enlarge
the whole inquiry to all institutions of the Republic, which failed in their
mission to sustain and protect the President in his struggle against the
aggression and for sovereignty and economical and political independence of
the Congo.
Moment of Analysis
The disorganisation, incompetence and negligence, which are widespread in
many services of the government, in the security organs, in the army and
police contributed in making the crime possible. The time has come to make a
critical analysis of the performance of all services playing a role in the
defence of the country and in the protection of all Congolese people and
especially of their President. The revolutionary cadres of the CPP feel
concerned and ask to be involved in this thorough analysis of the weaknesses
of the State.
Confidence in Joseph Kabila
We are pleased of the investiture of Major-General Joseph Kabila to the
Presidency of the Republic and insure him of the vigorous support of all
popular masses in the Capital. We are confident that the President Joseph
Kabila will carry on loyally the revolutionary struggle set off by his
father 40 years ago and which reached its climax in the nationalist,
anti-imperialist and popular orientation conveyed to the country from May
17th 1997 until his death. President Kabila was the promoter of the social
project of the CPP as well as their President, therefore we regard already
President Joseph Kabila as our president until it is officially designated
in a solemn ceremony. The revolutionary cadres of the CPP are deeply
convinced that President Joseph Kabila heading the State, the People has the
guaranty that the nationalist revolutionary line impulsed by our national
Hero M'zee Laurent-Désiré Kabila will be carried on until achievement of
political and economical independence of the Congo.
Presently the first task of all security organs, of the CPP and of all
Congolese patriots is to insure the security of the new President against
all plots. The CPP are well aware of the suspicion of the population towards
the satellite persons of M'zee Laurent-Désiré Kabila, whose incompetence
made the crime possible. The CPP express the will of the whole population
that President Joseph Kabila can have total freeness in seeking his own
collaborators. The CPP express the wish of the population that President
Joseph Kabila take due time to gather a team of high secretaries, who should
be professionally very competent, rigorous in financial matters and take on
decidedly the defence of the popular masses of the Country.
The signatories engaged in the Committees of Popular Power swear to support
the efforts of the Congolese Armed Forces and of the Forces of Popular
Self-Defence to throw away the aggressors and the forces of occupation. It
is an absolute priority and its realisation should unite all Congolese
Dialogue among Congolese people
As long as this criminal war of aggression, which is killing as much as
100,000 Congolese people each month, is lasting on we are in favour of a
Dialogue among all Congolese Patriots who want to unite and fight so that
the aggressors and the forces of occupation withdraw immediately and
The UN Charter guarantees the sacred right of the aggressed Congo to defend
itself until the last forces of occupation leave the Congolese territory.
The two resolutions 1234 and 1332 of the UN council confirmed this sacred
right and designated Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi as aggressing countries.
President Joseph Kabila just called for all patriots "to resist and defend
the national territory" in order to force "the regular armies of Rwanda,
Uganda and Burundi to withdraw immediately and unconditionally from
Congolese soil". President Joseph Kabila also declared: "To our brothers and
sisters living in occupied territories, I express my solidarity in the
struggle that you are leading for the liberation of the country". We insure
the President that we pledge ourselves to strengthen and accelerate the
establishment of the Forces of Popular Self-Defence. President Kabila had
followed this strategic initiative with interest during his last months.
The neo-colonialist politicians, who strive to impose a so-called
inter-Congolese dialogue under the armed menace of aggressors and forces of
occupation, in order to disorganise the national patriotic forces and to
seize "lucrative" positions are direct accomplices of Kagame, Museveni and
of their American masters.
The revolutionary cadres of the CPP will fight with all strength the
traitors to the Motherland who try to use the opportunity of the
assassination of President Kabila to help the aggressors and rebels to
subvert the nationalist government and the CPP.
We have been deeply shocked by the provocation of some politicians of the
Mobutu time, who urge to get back in office and reset the neo-colonial yoke
as in Mobutu time. Even before the body of the late President was buried,
these men obsessed by power had already initiated heinous campaigns against
the authorities, which were just managing to lead the country over this
critical period. They encouraged to carrying demonstrations and
insurrections pretending that "liberty should be grasped".
The revolutionary cadres of the CPP will do everything to stop these
provocateurs of civil war and restaurateurs of the former neo-colonial
order. The Popular Power is the strategic initiative of President Kabila; it
is the carrier of his project for a nationalist, democratic and popular
society. The main task delivered to the CPP by President Kabila is to solve
once and for all the question of the colonial and neo-colonial State. In all
revolutions the central question is the one of the nature of the State.
President Kabila stressed that all along since the time of Leopold II until
the present the Congolese People has been subjugated under the repression
and terror of a dictatorial state committed to defend the interests of
imperialist big-powers. After the formal independence in 1960 the former
State continued its dictatorship directed against every popular masses that
claimed a radical upturn. The change was purely formal; the former white
colonialists at the head of the State were simply replaced by black
collaborators committed to their cause. M'zee Laurent-Désiré Kabila
indicated that the former neo-colonial state has been kept to serve foreign
interests and also to a minor strata of the high bourgeoisie which was
acting as proxy of western big-powers.
The historical aim of the CPP is to create a state of a new type built up
from the basis, from the street, the quarter, the district, the village up
to the province and the national level. The new state should oppose to every
kind of imperialist control as well as to all Congolese fractions committed
to foreign interests. The new State of Popular Democracy shall be under
steady control of the People to guarantee that it keeps acting in the
interests of the People. Mechanisms should be implemented to prevent the
bearers of the new state of reintroducing the methods of the neo-colonial
state, its repression against the people and its subordination to foreign
economical interests. The CPP have to ensure the permanency of the popular
revolution in order for the Congolese people to actually govern and move
steadily forward towards its complete liberation in political, economical
and cultural matters.
The Popular Power only is able to build up
Only such a State led and controlled by the popular masses will be able to
guarantee the reconstruction of the country in an independent way and for
the single benefit of 55 millions of Congolese people. Only this State of
Popular Power will be able to build up an independent and mighty national
economy, an industry and agriculture planned for the benefit of the workers,
peasants, employees and intellectuals that Comrade Kabila dreamt of. Only a
state of Popular Power shall guarantee that all wished relations of
co-operation with all countries of the World will be based on principles of
strict equality, of non-intervention and mutual profit.
The kabilian revolutionaries and cadres of the CPP express their worry that
some governing people question the further role of the CPP and thus the
achievement of President Kabila. The CPP have not been granted the right to
talk at the mourning ceremony of the late Chief of the Congolese Revolution,
of Comrade Kabila, who was also the initiator of the Popular Power and the
President of the CPP.
The CPP have not been associated as it should have been done in the
Legislative and Constitutional Assembly to proclaim together, in the name of
the People, the investiture of Major-General Joseph Kabila to the Presidency
of the Republic. Several presidents of the CPP and FAP (Forces
d'Auto-défense Populaire = People's forces for self-defence) have been
denied the right to enter in the Palace of the Nation during the ceremony of
investiture of the President. We noted also that some, which previously
spoke eloquently to glorify the CPP when President Kabila was still alive,
now seemingly, want to get rid of the CPP when their founding member died.
Kabila, our Hero
We solemnly declare, in the name of the nationalist People, who massively
demonstrate at the burial ceremony of the late Comrade President: to rid the
CPP means to liquidate the whole political heritage of Laurent-Désiré
Kabila, our national Hero. We maintain in front of all Africa that President
Kabila has not died, that his legacy is living on and will live on in the
actions of the Committees of Popular Power.
The two millions of inhabitants of Kinshasa who demonstrated on the streets
to render homage to President Kabila thus expressed the determination of the
whole Congolese People not to allow that its achievement be dismissed by
those who want to subject again the Congo to neo-colonial domination. We
affirm categorically that the Congolese People woke up thanks to the
teachings of President Kabila. The People will not permit that imperialism
put back its claws on the Congo through its local agents. We call the
Congolese to vigilance against the enemy of the work and achievement of our
national Hero M'zee Laurent-Désiré Kabila, whose project of society, the
CPP, are a key stone.
We pledge ourselves to re-give vigour to the action of the CPP in order to
set on with force the historical achievement introduced by President Kabila
who fell as a martyr under the bullets of neo-colonialist forces. In order
to affirm clearly this pledge and this new dynamical movement, we propose to
hold a Congress of the CPP in the very near future. Only the Congress can in
the present situation reaffirm in all light the orientation set by President
Kabila. The Congress is also the right place to make a balance of our
activity, to take decisions in order to improve the formation and the lead
of the basis and to elect the directing organs.

6th February 2001

List of signatories as of 13th Feb. 2001

1) Lusikwila, CPP/N'djili
2) Jean Beya, CPP/Nsele
3) Nsuka Aimé, CPP/Bandundu
4) Déogratias Mubalama, CPP/Kivu
5) Anumu, General Secretary
6) Athanga Désiré, General Secretary
7) Tshitembo, Cadre of the General Sector
8) Me Mushid Nduwa, General Secretary
9) Jacques Lukumani, CPP/Maniema
10) Célestin Zulumba, CPP/North-Kivu
11) Jean-Pierre Lutobu, CPP/Equator
12) Donat Mwanza Shikayi, CPP/Western Kasai
13) Mbala Ngambil, CPP/Kimbanseke

*The End

Article published in the Congolese newspaper "L'Avenir" of 13th February

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