Le Lundi 17 Avril 2006 09:14, Chanika a écrit :
> I don't have much in the way of ideas, but mattr is pretty much
> mentoring me already... I just need the 'student' status. I'm hoping
> that signing up for some random part-time course at BCIT will be
> enough for that.

According to the google faq: 

 Google defines a student as an individual enrolled in or accepted into an 
accredited institution including but not necessarily limited to colleges, 
universities, masters programs, PhD programs and undergraduate programs. You 
should be prepared, upon request, to provide Google with transcripts from 
your accredited institution as proof of enrollment or admission status.

10. I have been accepted in to an accredited post-secondary school program, 
but have not yet begun attending. Can I still take part in the program? 
 Yes. Please be prepared, upon request, to submit a letter of acceptance from 
your accredited institution as proof of eligibility.

So hurry up :-)

> here's a brief list of things that have been bugging me, which someone
> might turn into useful ideas:
> -status message stuff is only half-fixed; auto-away does silly things
> to the status message and bringing a single account online still takes
> too much mouse-coordination.

Yes, take in account the 3 different status message type (personal message, 
away message, media message)
There has been some work at this level in kde4 anyway.
But if this is a soc project, it has to be perfectly handled in all 
protocols :-) 

> -whatever happened to the chatwindow redesign that someone made
> pictures of? it looked nice. somebody should implement it someday. oh,
> and the chatwindow needs a way of getting at the metacontact menu.


> -filetransfers are still unreliable, and feedback sucks - especially
> when sending a file. you've no idea what state it's in until it starts
> sending.


> -emoticons aren't applied consistently (pet peeve, unlikely to be
> fixed because people can't agree on the definition of fixed). 

no, that is not a coding task, but a political task :-)

> also, 
> support for msn's custom emoticons has mysteriously disappeared.

if it has a good idea for a good user interface, let's go for it.

> -last time I looked, rich text buttons still behaved quite randomly,
> turning on and off in weird unexpected ways.

that's a small bug

> -icq search only works on uin, not on name or anything else

i don't know icq, but this seems a very small issue

> -history plugin could use a lot of improvement (naturally I forgot to
> write down *what* imporvements I was thinking of at the time)

yes, the history window is currently too slow, and not very practical.
and it could maybe be integrated with the future serverarchive jabber JEP
(I think yahoo has also server archive)

Another idea:
 - integration with Kontact

We should start putting theses idea on the wiki

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