Le Lundi 17 Avril 2006 13:39, Ollivier Lapeyre Johann a écrit :
> Hi,
> I add my ideas too:
> #1: Extend Jingle protocol to add webcam. It has to be done in the "clean
> way", with collaboration with Jabber (write a JEP) and google i suppose.
> I'll add, like audio, support of several existing codecs (simples ones for
> low CPU,  and good ones for quality and futur).

(There is already a JEP for video)

> #2: UI Refactoring in the way of the mockup i did.

Can you add a link to your mockup again ? please

> #3: kontact integration (like kmail do). Of course, it depend of
> metacontact/KABC refactor, #2, and a logical move of kopete from kdenetwork
> to kdepim.


> #4: SIP support. add a independant SIP Support, or better: Last year, a SIP
> support to kontact was done as a SoC, maybe a merge with it (and #2, #3)


> #5: Something else (hard to explain): a sort of dbus-jabber service for
> apps. Inkscape can use Jabber to make a white board. Abiword too (see the
> video here: http://uwog.net/blog/?p=29
> Better than add Jabber stuff in every app, it could be a good thing to
> offer a service (dbus?) for every app (kate, krita...). It will be cleaner,
> and help Kopete to be a major app.

there is dxmpp ,  (a soc project from previous year) but I don't know exactly 
what it does.
An integration of it inside KDE would be a great thing,  but i don't know if 
it should depend of Kopete

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