
You do realize you are going to duplicate code that already exists in
libvidcap, mediastreamer2, GStreamer, etc, don't you?

In addition to that, what you will produce using v4l/v4l2 is
orthogonal to any backend, i. e. it will work with any Phonon backend
on Linux but it won't for any Phonon backend on FreeBSD.

While I'm happy to see some development in videocapturing (I'm very
interested in that myself but too busy to work on it), IMHO you should
try to use the capabilities the backends provide, if any, because they
already deal with cross-platform issues.

IMHO if, after studying what the backends provide for videocapturing,
you find they are not useful (which I doubt, because GStreamer, VLC
and DirectX are able to capture video), then you should try the
"direct" approach, bypassing backends.

Otherwise, you are starting something like Phonon but only for
videocapture, with its own set of videocapture backends.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Alex Fiestas<a...@eyeos.org> wrote:
> After research a bit almost all sound capture architectures I'm sure which way
> we should take, the way of phonon!
> Phonon is designed and ready (I guess) to support capture, or at least this is
> what you can feel after read this: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/phonon-
> overview.html
> So, this is what I'm going to try to do, continue the work that taupter
> started months ago.
> I've studied how libav/v4l2 works, and I've some new code running etc, so I'm
> not starting from 0.
> On Thursday 06 August 2009 17:56:53 Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:
>> Given the well-known unstability history of ffmpeg, may I suggest you
>> look into libvidcap or mediastreamer2 (from LinPhone) ? Both are
>> cross-platform, small and mostly autocontained (save for optional
>> features)
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/libvidcap/
>> http://www.linphone.org/
>> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/linphone.git/tree/linphone/mediastreamer2
> At the moment I'm  going to implement it using the current videodevice library
> because I already know how it works, but afterwards, implement different
> sources won't be difficult (so we'll be able to add support for other 
> platforms
> etc).
> --
> Alex Fiestas
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Pau Garcia i Quiles
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