Doug LaRue wrote:
I find it interesting that people will go to google to find information from
a well known website instead of using the website itself. FYI, it took me
about 4 clicks to find the CS107( three of them ) course listed for this fall.>Departments/Offices->Computer Science/Dept of ->
                 Fall Class Schedule

I got those, but that doesn't get me the websites for previous years.

And a good hint as to how poor the SDSU site is, do a search using their
search box. You will leave their site and end up at a page.
Not in a frame with the search results but totally off the site.
It's a poorly designed implementation so I wouldn't give google too much
blame for not leading you to what you were looking for on that site.

No argument. I've given up trying to fight computer infrastructure issues with people.

There simply is no incentive to have good or penalty for having bad compute infrastructure nowadays.

I'm probably lucky that SDSU still actually has a Solaris server. However, they seem to have lots of money for stupid things like Blackboard instead of wiki's/forums.

Although, I know how Blackboard got in. They simply made security an SEP (somebody else's problem). So, instead of having someone at SDSU responsible for a breakin, they can point at the Blackboard folks and say "They told us it was secure. Not our fault."

I've seen naive computer users use the internet search box for everything
and that includes when they are told to load a homepage. It didn't dawn
on me that skilled users would bypass looking for data on a known website
and use the search engine instead. I wonder how common this practice is?

A) "Naive" user is a lot more common than you would expect.

B) Not every topic has a specific entry point like this one

This should be a *big* concern for people on this list--especially as Google gobbles up more and more marketshare. Much of the value of the internet is in the fringe--the obscure, the non-mainstream, the unpopular.

Otherwise, it's just another method of feeding pablum to the masses.



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