On Sat, Sep 06, 2008 at 10:45:45PM -0700, James G. Sack (jim) wrote:
David Brown wrote:
Then again, I still install Linux machines from a rescue disk, at a
shell prompt.

That sounds interesting. Can you give an outline of the steps you follow
in (say, an example of) that recipe?

Pretty much the standard Gentoo installation steps:

I've not had much success with their new-fangled "installer".
The traditional Gentoo "install" CD has just been a liveCD with a
basic shell.

  - Partition the disk (cfdisk)
  - Make the filesystems.
  - Untar the base gentoo image.
  - Set some stuff up.
  - chroot into it.
  - sync and emerge to get the rest of what's needed.

My preferred method for setting up gentoo is actually to take the
harddrive out, and plug it into a running machine with a SATA/USB
adaptor, do the whole installation there, and then just put it back in
the machine and boot it up.  I wish more computers than the Macs
supported firewire target mode, which is real handy for this kind of



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