On Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 02:53:38PM -0700, James G. Sack (jim) wrote:

  - Partition the disk (cfdisk)
  - Make the filesystems.
  - Untar the base gentoo image.

- this image is on the rescue disk, I guess?
- or maybe net-fetched from somewhere?

Depends on which rescue disk you download.  I usually download the
"minimal" one which doesn't have the gentoo image on it, you just use
the lynx2 webbrowser on it to navigate to a mirror.  You tend to get
newer versions that way and have less to upgrade after the install.

Gentoo doesn't as much have releases as just snapshots taken at
various points in time.  They do try to make sure everything on the
snapshot is working, though.

There are larger disk images that contain various amounts of the



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