Sounds like a very good idea to me.  I wish I could be there, but a big
annual trade show I do every year has been moved and I need to be in New

If anyone does a video of this forum I would like to get a copy.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: KR> gathering forum idea
From: Jeff York <jeffyork40 at>
Date: Wed, September 25, 2013 11:40 am
To: "flesner at" <flesner at>, KRnet
<krnet at>


I know its last minute but last night while working in my shop, I had an

Many have commented on my KR2 paint job and I have been fortunate to win
a few awards with it and other projects. Dan Heath pointed out to me
that it had a lot to do with my paint jobs. 

So, I thought, if it would benefit the group, I would be happy to put on
a forum on painting a KR/airplane. 

I could bring my recently painted wheel pants and other support items
such as the different spray guns I use. I can discuss the difference in
standard gravity feed guns, HVLP and the newest innovation in spray
technology, LVLP guns. 

I would also bring a few samples of the different paints such as
Acrylic, Enamel, and Urethane and discuss single stage paints, and multi
stage base coat clear coats and the benefits of each. How to decide
which paint is right for my budget?

I have seen a lot of airplane and automotive paint jobs and I feel and
would point out that I believe the difference in a great paint job and a
so so paint job is so close that with just a little extra time and very
little extra effort, many could achieve the same level of paint as I
have. There are just a few techniques when painting that make a world of

I can also share how I built a spray booth in my garage that I can also
disassemble and erect in my hanger. It cost about 50.00 in materials to
erect this booth.

I think a lot of KR builders and aircraft builder's share a great pride
in their hand built aircraft. They spend many years building their plane
and with just a few tips and techniques, they can gain a great deal of
additional pride with a fantastic paint job. All their effort shows that
if they have the skills to build something that can fly, they can easily
gain the skills to create and exceptional paint job to match their
exceptional building skills. 

Now, I am not a professional painter. Never have been and I imagine
there are several KR builders who can paint better then me. But, I have
been able to gain a decent amount of knowledge over the years that I
have applied to my projects and I would enjoy sharing it with others and
give back to my fellow KR builders and community. 

If it is to late and you have all the forums booked up, I understand.
Please take my offer in the spirit of giving back that I intend it.

Jeff York
2010 Gathering, Peoples Choice, Best Interior
2011 AirFest, Best Experimental, Best Interior, Best Instrument
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