
I am building a different airplane, but have a deep interest in the paint 
booth.... if you have directions or picts I would be happy to purchase same and 
appreciative of your time.  I will not be at the forum, but wish I could.  

Joe. E. Wallace
jwallacep51 at

On Sep 25, 2013, at 1:40 PM, Jeff York <jeffyork40 at> wrote:

> Larry,
> I know its last minute but last night while working in my shop, I had an 
> idea. 
> Many have commented on my KR2 paint job and I have been fortunate to win a 
> few awards with it and other projects. Dan Heath pointed out to me that it 
> had a lot to do with my paint jobs. 
> So, I thought, if it would benefit the group, I would be happy to put on a 
> forum on painting a KR/airplane. 

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