I am in Jeff, that is where our EAA chapter is.  With the support from them, 
and my airport being a few minutes away it would be good

Lee Van Dyke

On Oct 2, 2013, at 7:37 PM, "Jeff Scott" <jscott.planes at gmx.com> wrote:

> Does that mean you are willing to put it together Lee?  I can help with some 
> of it from my part of the country.  Casa Grande would be a great site for a 
> gathering.  It's close enough for the west coasters to do it easily.  And the 
> weather in Phoenix is always nice!
> FWIW, you guys don't travel enough in your KRs.  Last year it took me 10 hrs 
> flight time from Greenvile, SC to North Central NM.  That's headed west 
> bucking the prevailing winds.  These KR time machines make pretty short work 
> of getting around the country when the weather is decent.
> I spent my fair share of time in the rain today, but am over at Jackson, TN 
> playing with Steve Bray's J-5 Cub this afternoon.  I'm not used to this part 
> of the country where water just falls from the sky.  Wow!  Now that's 
> something!
> It's a short hop over to MVN tomorrow.
> -Jeff Scott
> Los Alamos, NM
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Lee Van Dyke
>> Sent: 10/02/13 04:27 PM
>> To: KRnet
>> Subject: Re: KR> KR Gathering 2014
>> Arizona, home of the copper state fly in??? We have all we need at falcon 
>> field, Mesa AZ 
>> Lee Van Dyke
>> On Oct 2, 2013, at 12:00 PM, "Mark Langford" <ml at n56ml.com> wrote:
>>> OZ wrote:
>>>>> So... I thought at one point Steve Glover from NVAero had talked about
>>> hosting the Gathering, but over here on the West coast? It is the home of
>>> the KR, after all.<<
>>> I talked to Steve about this last weekend, after Larry's invitation for
>>> locations for next year. Steve is prepared to hold one at Chino airport,
>>> which has a large meeting hangar and plenty of nearby facilities, not to
>>> mention an aircraft museum on the field!
>>> Personally, I need a kick in the butt to get me to fly out west anyway, and
>>> would love to see the crop of KRs that California's been hiding all these
>>> years, not to mention the other gorgeous sites out that way. But Larry (and
>>> likely others) is concerned about turnout. I'll happily stand up and pitch
>>> it at the dinner Saturday night, but given adverse reaction in the past to
>>> moving it anywhere but MVN, I wouldn't expect Chino to win. 
>>> Given that scenario, I'd vote for a separate West Coast Flyin held earlier
>>> in the flying season. My guess is "hold it and they will come", at least I
>>> and several other KRs that I know of will do our best to be there. Jeff
>>> Scott routinely makes the flight, as well as Glover and others, so it's not
>>> an impossible feat...
>>> Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
>>> ML at N56ML.com
>>> www.N56ML.com 
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