Jeff, Thanks again for your reply. I found even better photos of your wedges
on the 2004 Gathering page. That's
when we met! Anyway the simple tab I added seems to be working. Next up is
an armrest. I need one... Thanks again for your help.  
John Bouyea
N5391M/ KR2
OR81/ Hillsboro, OR

-----Original Message-----
From: KRnet [mailto:krnet-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jeff Scott
via KRnet
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 8:19 PM
To: krnet
Subject: Re: KR> Stick imbalance

Congratulations John!

If your W&B is correct, the most likely culprit is going to be the incidence
of the horizontal stab.  I had the same issue (except mine wanted to dive at
the ground).  I flew for several years with some rather large trim wedges
glued to the trailing edge of the elevator to correct the stick pressures
and allow my trim tab to do it's job.  That was eventually fixed when I
built the new tail and corrected the incidence.

If you look at the air to air photos of my KR from the 2002 Red Oak
Gathering, the photo of me rolling away from the photo plane (over half way
down the page) shows the wedges on the bottom of the elevator.

Congrats again.

Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 at 8:42 PM
> From: "John Bouyea via KRnet" <krnet at>
> To: KRnet <krnet at>
> Subject: KR> Stick imbalance
> During my entire flight today, I had to hold forward pressure on the
> This made my takeoff more exciting than it needed to be while I 
> figured that issue out. Landing became more an issue of reducing some 
> forward pressure as opposed to increasing back pressure. I'll head 
> into published readings about this imbalance and specifically how to cure
> I'm pretty sure my weight and balance is correct and with pilot and 
> fuel loaded, I'm 3.5" aft of the forward-most CG. That leaves the trim 
> tab "neutral position" is set incorrectly or it's just too darn small. 
> I'm taking tools to MMV tomorrow to make what adjustments I can before 
> further flight.
> Can anyone comment on facing & curing the same problem in their KR? 
> Thank you.
> John Bouyea
> N5391M/ KR2
> OR81/ Hillsboro, OR

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